Optimus Prime (Power Surge; Warrior) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark blue, moderately light red, moderately light electric blue, and some black, silver, white, and light milky gray
Rating: 7.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original RID2015 warrior Optimus Prime toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original RID2015 warrior Optimus Prime here.)

    The mass-release version of warrior-class "Power Surge" Optimus Prime is a remold of the original warrior class version, as opposed to the new-mold larger version. Because of the scale and all, unfortunately he doesn't come with the Mini-Con Aerobolt that powers him up. Unlike the show version where he gains a lot of white coloration, here he's still mostly his traditional red and dark blue. The dark blue coloration is pretty much the exact shade as on the original version, while the red is just a TITCH lighter. Unfortunately that bland light milky gray is still present on the toy, though thankfully it's still a relatively minor color, only being used on the upper legs and parts of the shoulders. The wheels, paint on the windows, and the axe are still black; unfortunately because of the increased number of paint apps elsewhere, the axe has no paint on this version. There's also some light electric blue added to the color scheme, which looks pretty nice and adds a bit more "pop". It's used on the main body, as well as his wing-swords. Speaking of all the paint apps, there's soem nifty electric blue paint on circuitry-like lines on his lower legs, lower arms, and on his robot eyes; silver on the front of the truck grill, the faceplate, and on the feet; some white on the ankles and on much of his lower chest/abs; and although it doesn't look like it, the sides of the back portion of the truck trailer and the top of the chest are painted red, as well.
    As for mold changes, Power Surge Prime has a few. The most obvious ones are the large wings on his back, which can rotate up-and-down in their pegs and also be taken out and held in his hands; so Power Surge Optimus actually has more weapons than he can hold! They're pretty awesome accessories/weapons, though they don't really look like anything in vehicle mode and add another obvious extra to that mode. (Overall, though, I think they're a positive.) The main body section has also been changed both so that it can hold the sword-wings on the back and to give him more accurate details on the robot chest, with a bunch of great circuitry details on the abs and smaller "wings" on his chest that mimic Aerobolt being plugged in there on the 'toon. He also has twin cannon accessories that plug into the top of his chest in robot mode and flank his head, and plug into the bottom of the vehicle mode-- more weaponry is always good if it can store in the alt mode! Interestingly the shoulders and arms/truck cab have also been remolded even though it wasn't really necessary, but I greatly appreciate it as they make the arms MUCH better. The shoulders are now a bit larger, but this makes it so there's less vehicle junk hanging off the lower arms. It's still not perfect, but it definitely looks better than the previous try. The mold details on the truck cab have also been changed a bit too, with rather intricate circular exhaust port-like details on the top of the cab (which form the front of the shoulders). Finally, the pieces that make the front sides of the trailer/parts of the lower robot legs have also been remolded, with more stripes and a few more intricate details on the sides-- though the middle two tires have been removed from the toy on each side, meaning Optimus Prime actually doesn't have enough wheels anymore-- just six overall, and just two on his cab. So that's kinda odd.
    Power Surge Optimus Prime is a decent remold of the warrior class version, with some excellent added details and weaponry. The improved arms are also a very appreciated touch as well, and in robot mode he looks really nice; however, in vehicle mode he has even MORE extras from his robot mode now, so it's a slightly worse alt mode than the original RID2015 warrior. Still, overall I think the mold has been improved and is more interesting than the original, though if you're going to get one version of this remold get the Toys "R" Us exclusive version, which has a more show-accurate paint job.

Review by Beastbot

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