Sawtooth (Single-packed) [RID 2015]
Weapon ModeRobot ModeRobot Mode w/ Armor
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Mini-Con
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Semi-metallic dark rusty red, deep royal purple, transparent blue, and some bold metallic teal
Individual Rating: 5.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original version of Sawtooth. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original version of Sawtooth here.)

    For Sawtooth's single-packed version, his colors definitely make for a darker, more evil-looking scheme, which makes the fact he still has an Autobot symbol a surprise to me. I mean, I kinda like the idea used with a lot of these Weaponizer Mini-Con redecoes that the different colors occur whenever a robot of a different faction wields them. With Sawtooth here though, nope, he's still an Autobot. He LOOKS more evil, though, and definitely has a very Decepticon-y shade of deep royal purple used for his legs, weapon mode handle, and painted on the shark-like crest on the back of his head. The main color this contrasts off of is a dark rusty red, used for pretty much the entire main body and arms. It's also a semi-metallic shade of the color, as it has some glitter mixed in, but even ignoring that it's an excellent shade that definitely gives this version of Sawtooth a unique feel while still being a fairly realistic color for a manta ray... or at least, manta ray-like creature, I guess. To top it all off, Sawtooth has a dynamite shade of bold metallic teal used on his teeth and eyes. All three colors contrast against each other extremely well, and is quite frankly one of, if not THE, best Mini-Con color schemes I've seen in the entire line.
    No mold changes have been made to the core toy, but the armor pieces for this version of Sawtooth have been completely changed. First off, they're a transparent blue, which of course fits in with his "sea" theme, though I don't feel they contrast against the other colors quite as well as the "core" scheme. There's two claw pieces that fit over his existing claws, making them MUCH larger and deadlier-looking. He's also got pieces that fit over his wings and over the long fin down the center of his back, both of which have very angular details on them to make them look like they're made of ice. It's a pretty neat look, and it makes his trident mode look a bit more wicked. I wish the blue used was a bit of an icy shade, but otherwise no complaints here. All armor pieces fit on in both modes.
    The single-packed version of Sawtooth is definitely the superior one, in my opinion, even if his color scheme isn't quite as conventional for a sea-like creature. The main colors are all very striking and contrast against each other amazingly well, and his armor pieces definitely make him more fierce and jagged-looking. If you can get both versions of Sawtooth fairly easily, I'd go for this version, but except for a few countries this last wave of single-packed Weaponizers was hard to get; if you have to pay a high premium for him, you may just want to stick with the more widespread Battle Pack version instead-- I mean, the mold's not that great, itself...

Review by Beastbot

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