Strongarm (Warrior) [RID 2015]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark semi-metallic blue, white, black, and some moderately light blue, silver, light electric blue, pale yellow, and light red
Rating: 7.9

    Strongarm's vehicle mode of a police SUV is pretty well-done at this scale (though then again, THIS mode is usually done pretty well on nearly ALL of her toys). The proportions are pretty much exactly accurate to the TV show, and there's no robot mode extras at all. She's also rather large in this mode compared to other RID2015 Warrior toys, which helps keep her more in scale (she's not actually bigger in mass-- much of her underside is hollow in this mode-- and she becomes more "normal-sized" in robot mode). She has the usual white-and-dark-blue color scheme, though her blue is a glittery mix of the color, so it looks nice as a semi-metallic shade. The mold detailing is fairly sparse, as is usual for a RID2015 toy, though there are a few "divots" near the back end (which become her lower legs in robot mode) and a fairly well-detailed front grill and rear bumper. Unfortunately, although she has a decent color breakup, she definitely needed considerably more paint apps, or at least a more show-accurate plastic breakup. Her front grill is completely barren except for some moderately light blue on the headlights (which does look good against the white, by the way), the red and blue on the sirens is there, there's some white on the top of the rear section (which, again, becomes her lower legs), some black on the front and side windows (but sadly not the back) and a bit of blue paint on the side doors and around the front wheel rims. Her back bumper is barren, as are the wheel rims. Her lines on the sides SHOULD have secondary smaller lines above the thicker lines, and of course the front grill and taillights need to be painted. She's also missing the proper blue line down the front of her hood, as opposed to the odd blue "block" that is the back portion of the front part of her hood. Strongarm's gun is stored out-of-the-way underneath this mode, though there is a port in between her sirens if you want her to wield some firepower as a police SUV.
    Strongarm's transformation is one of the more involved out of the Warrior class, though it's still not at all what I would consider difficult-- just relatively involved compared to the usual "slightly simpler than your usual deluxe" Warrior transformations. Basically the back end becomes her legs, the front sides and front grill become her shoulders and lower arms, her middle section forms a backpack, and her middle section is formed from interior parts unseen in vehicle mode. The end result is fairly show-accurate, though her arms are a little on the awkward side-- the shoulders are a bit flat in one direction and too broad/long in the other, and her lower arms have folded-up panels around them, which isn't a huge deal but is a minor downside. She also has a pretty substantial backpack made of her vehicle roof and side doors. It does stay against her back pretty solidly, but the doors to stick out from the back quite a fair bit and can interfere with shoulder movement some-- she's better looked at from a more frontal view. Her legs are pretty spot-on perfect, with just the right details, and her waist has some nice detailiing to make it look like she has a "belt" on. The mold detailing for her chest and head is pretty accurate, with the chest looking like some vehicle mode plates folded together and the expression on her face pretty accurate, but both lack enough paint apps. The blue apps on her chest should have the secondary lines 'n such that I talked about from vehicle mode, and her head-- though it has nice light blue eyes, a silver face, and a pale yellow head crest-- needs some white along the sides, too. Still, those issues aside the toy does the job of replicating her rather bulky-for-a-female physique. For articulation, she can move at the neck, shoulders (at three points), elbows (at two points), waist rotation, and movement at the hips, knees (at two points), and slightly back-and-forth at the ankles, making her pretty poseable. (That said, there are limits-- the shoulders, due to their odd proportions mentioned earlier, can't move as much as you'd think, and there's an odd pivot piece for the shoulders along the sides of the body that never locks into place and is a minor pain when trying to pose that part of her.)
    RID2015 warrior Strongarm is the best representation of the show model in plastic in a "normal size" when it comes to both modes, though she does suffer from some minor kibble problems in robot mode, particularly around the shoulders and the overly-large door flaps on her back. She also could've used some extra paint, especially in vehicle mode-- this is one of the rare RID2015 toys where I actually bought the Japanese version too, since that one is painted sooo much better. Still, if you're not in the market for that version, this one will do in a pinch.

Review by Beastbot

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