Rogue (Normal)Rogue (Costume)

Real Name: Unknown

Mutant Power: Ability to absorb other human's memories when she touches them, also rendering them unconscious. In the case of Mutants, she can also absorb their powers for a limited amount of time.

Voice Actor: Megan Black

First Appearance: "Rogue Recruit"

Back Story: Mystique adopted Rogue when she was four- why Rogue doesn't remember this wasn't revealed. Rogue was given over to by Irene (aka Destiny) when she was around 11 or so. There was an ulterior motive behind Rogue's transfer, however. Destiny, being able to see the future to a limited extent, was able to predict that Rogue would become a Mutant. Destiny was also part of the same organization Mystique was in as well, and also adopted the girl to keep her away from other Mutant recruiters such as Professor Xavier. Despite Destiny's attempts to keep Rogue's powers from emerging in public, emerge they did in her sophomore year of high school. Although Rogue was initially tricked by both Destiny and Mystique to stay in the Brotherhood, she eventually switched to the X-Men after she touched Mystique and absorbed the evil blue Mutant's memories. After later discovering that her best friend, Risty, was Mystique as well, Mystique is officially on Rogue's "hate" list. In fact, Rogue killed (or at least tried to kill) Mystique in "Impact" by pushing her off a cliff whilst she was stuck in a stone statue form. However, it was revealed later that Apocalypse had somehow "resurrected" Mystique, and although Rogue has made amends with Nightcrawler for trying to kill their mother, she still wants nothing to do with her. According to Xavier's "future visions" at the end of her series, Rogue will stay with the X-Men for some time to come, although she will eventually gain the flight ability she had in the comics.

Personality: Rogue, due to her uncontrollable power to harm anyone she touches, is a pessimistic loner, and a Goth in the strictest sense of the word. She doesn't really get along with any of the other X-Men well, save Scott. I'm assuming, besides the purely physical part of it, that Rogue's attraction to Scott is partially based on the fact that he, too, can't control his powers. They're also both loners, which makes sense, too. Rogue's attraction to Scott seems to have worn off recently, however, in favor of Gambit, who shares similar background experiences with her. She hates Jean, for obvious reasons- they're exact opposites. Rogue is also a big-time enemy of Mystique, who conned her into the wrong side and posed as her best friend Risty, although she is oddly forgiving of Destiny for the former action. Rogue also has a special tie with Wolverine, who also has no real family and helped her through the tough events of "Self Possessed". Rogue also has a connection with Kurt, as both are technically Mystique's children. Kurt's more accepting of this tie than Rogue is, however. Also, Rogue refuses to give out her real name, for some reason. (Which is kind of odd, when people in school are calling her "Rogue" and acting like that's a normal name...guh...)

Final Reflections: It's funny. I absolutely hated Rogue before Evolution premiered, but now I think she was one of the best characters on the show, even if they really gave her too much focus during the last two seasons. The old Rogue was so annoying and such a stereotypical "Southern gal", always calling other males "shu-gah" and whatnot. She was also very outgoing for someone with her powers. The new Rogue had a personality much more fitting of someone who can't touch anyone else- alone, dark, and definitely not a very social person. Rogue has literally gone from one of my least favorite characters to one of my favorite ones.

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