Chromia (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, moderately dark blue, and some light milky gray, silver, clear plastic, light sky blue,  and white
Rating: 6.7

    Chromia's vehicle mode is a motorcycle, and it's a very solid mode. There's a few slightly-telling connecting plastic pieces near the front, but otherwise there's no robot mode extras visible whatsoever, and the proportions on the motorcycle are fantastic. The mold detailing is particularly fantastic, with incredibly small and intricate technical detailing on such things as the "engine parts" near the main body of this mode and on the wheel rims. The overall color scheme of dark blue, black, and gray/silver is pretty nice, if not spectacular-- mostly because it's a pretty darn nice shade of blue she's got on her. (A few more paint apps on the black body pieces could've gone a long way, though. She also has a piece that's obviously meant to be a license plate near the back end, but it's not painted at all.) My one problem with this mode that isn't just a minor quibble is that her main body parts have a bit of trouble all lining up exactly and fitting in together in this mode, sadly enough-- the tabs aren't quite long/deep enough to hold everything in REALLY well. The "Cyberglyphics" on her main body are nice touches, though, and help her fit in more with her "sisters" in vehicle mode. The headlight is also clear, which looks pretty nice. She has the requisite kickstand, and the headlight piece can also rotate a bit, which is unexpected. What's really cool is that the piece that serves as her stand in robot mode attaches--quite firmly-- to the rear of this mode to give her a LOT of vehicle mode firepower, with two pretty big (albeit non-firing) gatling guns not attached to her. Talk about prepped for battle!
    As for Chromia's robot mode, well... it's one of those modes where you're either gonna hate it or love it on first sight. It's one of those robot mode that really stretches the concept of what a Transformer's robot mode should look like. She's got a unicycle wheel, no stomach at all (just two bars connecting her chest to her... sternum?), and the front of the motorcycle sticking out of her pelvis, which curves around in an interesting manner to down to her wheel-foot. The aforementioned machine-gun piece used in vehicle mode becomes a stand in this mode so you don't need to constantly prop her up (it's impossible to get her to stand by herself without it), and clips in fairly well, though not quite as solidly as it does in vehicle mode. I do quite like the asymmetrical-ness of her robot mode arms-- it makes her look more unique compared to her sisters-- with one arm being fairly small and "normal" while the one has a HUGE (proportionally) missile launcher made out of the seat of her motorcycle mode. There are two panels of her vehicle mode that just hang off her lower arms, but otherwise she has no "extras" here in the traditional sense. I think the tire behind her head and shoulder pads actually complement the mode and make her look more unique. Chromia's head sculpt is well-detailed, and identical to her sisters', but it's honestly a bit freaky. It's a bit feminine in a way I can't quite describe, but it also looks kinda evil and skull-like at the same time. Creepy. As far as articulation goes, Chromia can move at the neck (at two points), shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points on the right arm, one on the left), and her body can move up and down a bit where it connects to the motorcycle headlight/wheel assemblange that makes up her lower body. Her lower wheel can also move up and down a fair amount to make it look like she's riding "faster" or "slower", as well.
    Chromia is a very.... interesting... Transformer. Her vehicle mode is great-- almost flawless-- but her robot mode is so incredibly unique that it may turn off many Transfans immediately, and I can't entirely blame them. I did wish she had a bit more of an actual stomach, at least. Still, I hestiate to call it "lazy", given how intuitive parts of her transformation are, such as how her chest comes together. If you're looking for something very different when it comes to Transformers, give Chromia a try. Otherwise, avoid at all costs.

Chromia Bio:
Chromia is tough as nails, and always spoiling for a fight. She's been friends with Ironhide for centuries, and their reunion on Earth was one of the high points of the war for both of them. Now, they work side-by-side, hunting and destroying Decepticons. Neither of them has ever been happier. The two robots make great partners, and she, along with her sisters, are an invaluable part of the team.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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