Decepticon Brawl (Deep Desert) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Moderately light brownish tan, black, and some pale light tan, dark muddy brown, transparnet orange, silver, and gunmetal gray
Rating: 8.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Movie deluxe class Brawl toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Movie deluxe class Brawl toy here.)

    It's hardly surprising that after some of his other various molds getting the desert redeco treatment, the deluxe version of Brawl gets the same paint job as well. My comments are mostly the same here as with the other times this paint job has been used on Brawl-- it's certainly very fitting for the vehicle mode, at least as much as the green color scheme if not more so. To keep a straight tan scheme from getting too boring, there's several dark muddy brown camo paint apps strewn throughout the figure, and it really helps with his contrast (though I wish a few more of those camo paint apps had been added to the back of his tank mode). The black and gunmetal gray also serves as some nice dark contrast colors to an otherwise light color scheme, and I particularly like the gunmetal gray plastic-- it's not painted, but it almost looks like it is. It pulls off a nice effect that I wish a lot of other Transformers would use as a "neutral" color instead of that incredibly bland light milky gray so many of them do. The usage of transparent orange for the optics and the missile is also a nice touch and goes very well with the tan color scheme.
    No obvious mold changes have been made to Deep Desert Brawl-- but the oh-so-vital tabs that connect his arms to his torso in robot mode have been FIXED! They now plug in very snugly, and don't flop around-- hallelujah! This, my friends, is why Deep Desert Brawl's rating is so much higher than the original Movie deluxe Brawl. That one fix just makes all the difference.
    RotF Deep Desert Brawl is a nice themed repaint, with all the colors going together quite nicely, and some nice dark brown camo paint apps keeping things from getting too boring. I also really wish they'd use the gunmetal gray plastic on this toy on more Transformers, it looks quite good. Just judging from the color scheme, I wouldn't say it was either better or worse than the original Movie deluxe Brawl, just different-- but the fixing of those darned shoulder tabs in robot mode really makes the toy function much better and drastically improves its playability. Definitely a recommended buy, even if you bought the original Movie deluxe Brawl, as now this nice design can be enjoyed without that big caveat in robot mode.

Deep Desert Brawl Bio:
Hidden deep in the driest desert on Earth, Decepticon Brawl waited for a new Decepticon leader to emerge. Though the Autobots searched for him, they never even came close to finding him. It enraged him that he was forced to hide in defeat. Now that Megatron has returned, he is ready to do battle again, and determined this time to destroy as many Autobots as he can.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 3.0
Speed: 3.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 3.0

Review by Beastbot

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