Demolishor (ROTF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull brick red, dull off-white, dark gray, black, and some metallic bronze, silver, transparent light purple, and transparent orange
Rating: 7.0

*2018 UPDATE/BUYER BEWARE: After several years, reports have come about the rubber treads on Demolishor starting to emit a sort of slimy gunk that actually EATS THROUGH the surrounding plastic. Keep this in mind when purchasing this toy.*

    Demolishor's vehicle mode is an excavator. For a toy of this size, the proportions of this mode are fairly good-- nice bulky treads, a HUGE shovel, and a remarkably well-detailed drivers' room(?) and rails on the side. There's also some pretty cool little railing and piston detailong on the top of this mode, and the paint wash over the shovel arm really bring sout all the detailing quite well, with the black fade near the end making it look more worn and "dirty". His shovel arm can move at three different points, and when you move it up and down at he middle point, a "metal" bit inside the shovel arm rotates as well, which is Demolishor's "Mech Alive" feature and is quite cool. The treads are also made of rubber, surprisingly enough, but they're thick enough that they don't really roll around easily. The rear section of this mode is rather weak, as it's basically just random connector pieces of Demolishor's robot mode folded together to sort of fit the overall silhouette of the mode. In that respect it works, but without al the great mold detailing on the rest of the figure they still stick out a bit as being just essentially robot mode kibble. The overall color scheme of dull red, black, and dull white, while not exciting, fits a construction vehicle quite well, and the white gives Demolishor some nice contrast, which is always good. Unfortunately, it's not Demolishor's color scheme-- Demolishor is the 'Con in the beginning fight scene if the movie, and he's primarily white. These colors are for SCAVENGER, the 'Con we only see the vehicle mode of that combines into Devastator late in the movie. That's kind of a big oversight, there... can't Hasbro keep their own figures straight?
    To say Demolishor's robot mode is unique is a VAST understatement. Unless I'm forgetting something big, this has got to be THE most unique, non-humanoid robot mode for a Transformer I've ever seen. His entire body rotates around his head, with the two wheels acting like some sorta big taffy puller. (Unfortunately, as a side effect of this, he can NOT stand up by himself without having his arms hold him up.) It can take a bit of work, but you can even keep the arms in place as you rotate the wheels around Demolishor's head centerpoint. He has no "body trunk" to speak of either, just a head. The head sculpt is WONDERFULLY done, though, looking like the traditional Movie Decepticon "bug-like" maw, but with a bit of a simian look to it that I can't quite place. Making the treads compress into big rubber wheels is also an ingenious move, and given the originality of it all and the fact that it actually works with a bit of fiddling, I don't mind having a head just "hovering" there in the center of the body, either. However, Demolishor's arms are VERY poorly done. For one, the extra shoulder detailing doesn't work too well with movement, given that you're supposed to bend rather thin, long pieces of plastic downwards-- I'm rather afraid of them snapping if I accidentally put too much force on them. Demolishor's arms also can only rotate from side to side, and they're in an extremely awkward default position as well. (You CAN get them to move forward, but only if you turn the shoulders forward too, which looks pretty bad as well). His shovel-hands are also backwards, which increases the awkward look of them. Really, the arms are just fail all around.
    Demolishor is an incredibly unique Transformer, but it's definitely not for anybody. He's a got a nice color scheme and some great detailing along with a decent vehicle mode, but his very "hollow" robot mode with incredibly weak arms is a bit of a downer. If you like the uniqueness of his look, then I'd recommend him with hesitation, as long as you realize how bad the arms are. If you only want your TFs to be humanoid, though, pass at all costs.

Demolishor Bio:
Demolishor isn't very bright, but he knows when to fight, and when to run and hide. Arriving on Earth to find Megatron destroyed, hiding seemed like the best option. Since then, he's taken a few smaller Decepticons under his protection, and built quite a little community. It hasn't been easy, hiding among the humans that creep like a disease over this planet, but he and his companions are content to wait until a new Decepticon leader emerges to guide them back to glory.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 4.0

Review by Beastbot

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