Constructicon Devastator (RotF)

Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Extra-Colossal-Supreme (for lack of a better word... ~$90-$100 U.S., depending upon the store)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Yellow, dull mustard yellow, dull milky grayish brown, black, light milky gray, off-white, reddish orange, dull milky gray, and some dull metallic purplish blue, transparent green, silver, bright light green, metallic gunmetal gray, and muddy brownish gray
Rating: 6.6

Long Haul, Scrapper, Rampage (Vehicle Mode)Mixmaster, Hightower (Vehicle Mode)
    For safety and budget reasons (and to many fans' dismay), Devastator's individual components do NOT have their own robot modes, but rather go straight from vehicle to part of the massive gestalt robot. So I'll cover the vehicles individually first, then move onto the robot:
    Rampage the bulldozer is one of the smallest, and for good reason, since size-wise he should be. He's got some great mold detailing, with pistions, bolts, and treads everywhere, and his paint detailing, while it could use a few more bits here and there, is serviceable, with all the "necessary" details like the interior of the treads, the windows, and a silver "worn" fade paint app on his shovel being used. He's also got a "caution" Decepticon-emblemed stripe near the front of his vehicle. His proportions are off, though-- it's like the actual bulldozer were squished together a bit, so it's a bit taller and not as wide as it should be. He also has a large gray knob sticking out the rear left side of the vehicle that connects him to Devastator's waist. It definitely looks the most "off" out of the individual vehicle modes because of these problems, unfortunately. Rampage's shovel can move up and down SLIGHTLY, but not much, sadly. He's mostly just a brick on wheels.
    Long Haul is the dump truck, and he's definitely severely undersized-- this is supposed to be a HUGE model dump truck, and it's the same size as Rampage! The dull green color, while hardly eye-catching, does help to set him a bit apart from the rest of the Constructicons and at least ties Devastator's color scheme a little bit to G1. His proportions are okay, but the foot part of him sticks out a bit on the underside-- also, he's got a big gray knob near the rear of the vehicle, just like Rampage. His mold detailing, as with the others, is excellent, though, and his paint detailing is adequate, with most of the front detials such as headlights and windows painted, with a nice brown "mud" fade on the rear half of the vehicle.
    Scrapper is the wheel loader, and is a bit oversized compared to most of the other vehicle components. By itself, though, the proportions are pretty solid, so no complaints there. His mold detailing is excellent, with rivets and bolts everywhere, but his paint detailing almost non-existent-- only a Decepticon symbol, a few othe rminor details, and his windows are painted. He could REALLY use some silver on his rails or something-- but at least his core color scheme of dull yellow, dull brown, and black isn't clashy, though it certainly isn't exciting, either. The biggest disappointment I have with Scrapper is that his shovel can't move due to his transformation, which is a bit oversight given his size.
    Hightower the crane is probably a bit undersized compared to the others. Like most of the other vehicles, he has almost no paint apps (just a Decepticon logo and stripe near his back end and his windows painted), but he's got quite a bit of mold detailing. Somce nice pistons, coils of "string", and the like are all present. His treads are a bit wide, and his back end sort of "hangs out" behind the vehicle a bit, but otherwise proportionally it's a job well done. I really wish Hightower had some sort of heavy-duty string connecting his crane arm to his main body, though. It doesn't look complete without any. The crane arm and hook can move where they meet the base of their respective components, at least. As far as his color scheme goes, it's serviceable but the yellow could've been a bit darker.
    Mixmaster is the *ggrrrrmbl* cement truck, and before I get to *ggrrrrmbl* rest of the figure, I have to point *ggrrrrmbl* out that his "moving" sound effect *ggrrrrmbl* goes off ALL. THE. *ggrrrrmbl* TIME. The slightest movement even against the TABLE IT'S ON and *ggrrrrmbl* there it goes. And I can't for the life of me figure out how to un-do it without taking the electronics out-- and I don't want to, as Devastator's robot mode electronics are awesome (more on that later)! It's probably the most annoying aspect of the figure, this. As for the toy itself, it's the most ridiculously oversized compared to the bunch, being the second-biggest of all the vehicles yet just being a mere cement truck, he should be about on par with Rampage in terms of size, maybe even smaller! His cement drum is also really oversized to the point where it looks like it's about to explode, due to all those turbine electronics being hidden in there. The front part of the vehicle is serviceable, at least, though he could use some more paint apps-- silver steps under the door and painted windows aren't enough for a vehicle this big. His mold detailing, while adequate, is also easily the least impressive of the individual components', really getting simplistic in particular when you get to that darn cement drum. His color scheme of dark gray and light gray is boring, hardly noteworthy. He's definitely my least favorite of the individual vehicles, primarily because of *ggrrrrmbl*. (As a side note, the toy makes a G1 transformation noise when you convert it to Devastator's head.)

Scavenger (Vehicle Mode)Combined Robot Mode
    Scavenger is the excavator, and MAN is he huge. He's like, twice the size of even Mixmaster (though because he's mostly hollow, he actually weighs about the same). If it were to actually transform into an actual individual robot, it would be a Leader-sized toy easily, if not a little larger. The orange/white/gray color scheme helps to differentiate him from the other Constructicons, and is fitting for a construction vehicle to boot. The worn "SCVNGR" stripes on the sides are a nice touch, but other than that and the windows he doesn't have any paint detailing, which a toy this big is absolutely BEGGING for. It REALLY becomes apparent with this guy just how much Hasbro skimped on the paint apps for this guy. The mold detailing is pretty nice, particularly on the top of the vehicle, though it can be a bit simplistic in plasces such as the sides of the vehicle and the arm. (Also, at this size having the side ladders merely being details etched into the side of the vehicle doesn't cut it). His shovel arm can move at three points, so it can get a pretty decent range of movement going. It does have two big unsightly knobs on the side of it that are used for the hip joints, though. I wish his treads were real rubber treads and not just with little wheels on the bottom-- for the price I'd expect something cool like that, plus there's no transformational reason for why he couldn't have them. Oh, one last thing-- the gray part of the guard rails on the top of Scavenger are seperate pieces, and they can come off a bit too easily.
    Devastator's robot mode is definitely the highlight of the figure. It's MASSIVE-- not necessarily in height so much as in all three dimensions. It's easy to find a Leader class transformer that's taller than him, but he's almost as wide and deep as he is tall, making for a truly weighty piece. It may be iffy regarding some of the other stuff, but you are definitely getting your money's worth of plastic here, folks. However, his proportions are a bit off, even given Devastator's gorilla-ish proportions in the movie. His legs are too tall proportionally and skinny-- again, even considering that they're supposed to be smaller than his arms. His head is also way too large normally. The face itself is about the right size, but the "head" extends back way too far-- it's obviously just Mixmaster turned backwards. And therein lies the main problem with this figure-- to adhere to safety standards these days, a combiner that's this large has to be too simple in order to pass the drop test. Scavenger's transformation has a few real steps to it, but every other component's transformation is incredibly simple (even the legs, though to their credit they look different enough even given that simplistic transformation). Even without individual robot modes, the various vehicle modes aren't "meshed" together nearly as well as I'd like in robot mode. His articulation is also rather limited for a toy this large, only being able to move at the shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), at the base and middle-point of each claw (except for the "thumb" claw on his left hand), and at the hips, knees, and ankles. Now, that may SEEM like it has all the major points covered except the head and waist, but his legs are extremely limited, moving only in one direction and not much at that, if you want to keep this behemoth standing. His default height is certainly at a very odd pose-- not straight enough to be humanoid, but not hunched over enough to be walking similar to a gorilla like he was in the movie--primarily due to his leg proprtions. And unfortunately to his balance/weight distribution, you can't really move him from that much. Devastator gains a bit more paint apps in this move, but not much-- his shoulders are adequately detailed, and the green "energy" detailing on his head is pretty neat, but other than that he's as bare as ever. His vortex gimmick is extremely cool, however, and the highlight of the figure-- pull down on the gray tab in his chest, and his mouth will open to an almost surreal circumference, with glowing circular alternating green lights going off inside his mouth while his eyes proper light. He'll say many different things, from grinder noises to machinery activating noises to evi laughter actual sayings like "Devastator crush Autobots!" in fairly convincing-sounding voice.
    Constructicon Devastator's main draws are his sheer size and his cool vortex grinder gimmick. However, other than that, he's sadly disappointing for the prize and size-- he's majorly lacking in paint apps, his vehicles generally aren't very impressive and way out of scale with each other, and he has some overly odd proportions and somewhat restricted articulation in robot mode. If you're able to get him on deep discount, he might be worth it just for the size factor-- otherwise, I can't see many people liking this behemoth.

Constructicon Devastator Bio:
The ultimate Decepticon weapon has arrived on Earth, and nothing will ever be the same. Constructicon Devastator is the biggest robot ever-- towering above Autobots and Decepticons alike. As his Vortex Grinder snaps open and glows with power, all before him quake in fear, knowing their destruction is inevitable!
Constructicon Devastator is named for the brutal destructive winds that whip around the equator of Cybertron. He is mighty beyond the boundaries of a normal robot frame. Rather, he is a force of nature-- inevitable, unstoppable, and indestructible. He destroys all in his path, as do his namesake winds. Earth has never experienced a destructive force as singular as Constructicon Devastator. Where he walks, the humans' fragile world will be quaked and stripped to its very foundations.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 2.0
Speed: 2.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 3.0

Review by Beastbot

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