Dirt Boss (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dull gray, light dull pea green, and some dull metallic copper and red
Rating: 8.2

    Dirt Boss' alt mode is a first-ever for a (larger than teeny-tiny) Transformer-- a forklift! In vehicle mode Dirt Boss ends up looking incredibly realistic given the scale-- other than the tiniest amount of leg kibble behind his wheels, there's no robot mode extras visible whatsoever here. The proportions are also spot-on, and all the necessary detailing is there-- the "steering wheel" in the drivers' seat, wires and metal plating the appropriate places, and the like. His color scheme really isn't all that hot, though-- having dull pea green and dull gray just really doesn't strike me well. They don't outright clash, they just look rather boring-- and I don't see too many pea-green forklifts running around either, so it's not like it's particularly realistic. The metallic copper helps a little bit, but it's fairly sparse. Dirt Boss also can't actually move as much as you'd think a forklift could, unfortunately-- his front part can rotate SLIGHTLY in an arc where it meets the main body of the forklift, and the two "teeth" sticking out of the front can rotate slightly, but the whole front part can't slide upwards like a real forklift, which is honestly rather disappointing. His steering wheel piece-- which holds a lot of the whole main body together-- also has a hard time staying pegged into its place, so this isn't the most stable of alt modes, either.
    Dirt Boss' robot mode, at least when it comes to looks, is also quite good. His body is a bit "fat" when you look at him from a sideview, but otherwise proportionally he's great. His general look seems to be heavily inspired by the forklift drone from the first Transformers Movie game, right down to the circular pattern on his chest. The only real difference design-wise is the head design, which is considerably more humanoid (and honestly has a bit of a characterful "old" look to it, for some reason I can't quite figure out. There are no real bits of vehicle kibble that get in the way-- everything is tucked behind his back or, in the case of the roof-halves of his forklift mode, actually complement the look of the mode from their position on his shoulders. I particularly love his the front "teeth" of the forklift become large stabby-stab weapons mounted to the front of his hands (which have some excellent molded detailing, but are sadly unpainted). In addition to his main colors, he also has a few bits of red in this mode, which REALLY pop against the other colors-- I really wish that color had been used more on this toy in conjunction with the others, it would've made Dirt Boss look considerably more interesting. As far as articulation goes, Dirt Boss is pretty set there-- he can move at the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and ankles-- and all of those are ball joints, so you can get some good range of motion of of him. His head really needs some neck movement, but that's about the only thing that's blatantly missing. Unfortunately, Dirt Boss has a rather common QA issue-- pretty much all of his ball joints are quite loose, wish some downright floppy. This makes him feel less "solid" in both modes, and is quite the downer.
    Dirt Boss is the first real Transformer forklift-- he gets bonus points right there. And when it comes to looks and proportions, he does quite well in both modes. Unfortunately, he has some QA/stability issues, and his color scheme is rather blah. Mildly recommended, as he is a good design, but if you only get one version of this mold I'd get the Wal-Mart exclusive redeco Deadlift instead.

Review by Beastbot

Second Opinion by VBBN

Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Rating: 8.0

    Dirt Boss has an alternate mode of a forklift, which is a very interesting alternate mode. It's one of the things that I enjoy about movie toys, they bring us something new. It's a front-entry cabin foklift, not to be confused with the back-entry opens that you commonly see in places like Home Depot, where the driver stands instead of sits. And for a scout-sized vehicle, this is quite nice. Thankfully, the seat actually looks like a seat as opposed to a gray lump, so no realism issues there. The forks don't raise and lower, but it's not a huge issue. My main problem mode with this is the colors. The dull gray is okay, but that pea green seems to be courtesy of some leftover voyager Ratchets, heh.
    Robot mode is nice as well. Definitely was based off of the first game's movie drone, without the single-optic head. There's plenty about this mode I like, from his shank-tastic slicers of doom on his arm, nice-looking legs, and a cool chest design (makes me think of Cybertron Vector Prime). Unlike Beasty though, I'm not a fan of the red. That's just me though, I never like any shade of red+green, as I don't enjoy having a figure that looks like it should only be brought out in December. The gold wouldn't be that bad, and I like the shade of it that was used, but again, that pea green...ugh. What I don't understand is why they use pea green on this figure, but not on, say, an airport ambulance. That's the only vehicle that actually has a real-life color like that (besides a race car).

Review by VBBN

Dirt Boss Bio:
Though he is usually occupied acting as a servant to larger, more powerful Decepticons, Dirt Boss has big plans. He constantly schemes to acquire more power, laying plans to betray or discredit his competitors and superiors in the hope of taking their positions. In combat, his body is as surprisingly agile as his mind. It's not uncommon to see him leaping thorugh the air towards the enemy, with all his weapons blazing.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 2.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 2.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 4.0
Skill: 6.0

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