Ironhide (Original Voyager) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Dull moderately dark gray, black, and some transparent dark blue, light milky gray, light red, dull yellowish orange, pasty bluish dull off-white, light sky blue, and white
Rating: 9.2

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Movie Voyager Ironhide toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Movie Voyager Ironhide toy here.)

    In a surprising move, the initial release of the Voyager Ironhide mold for the Revenge of the Fallen is NOT in a movie-accurate black color scheme, but in a scheme that's mostly dull gray, especially in vehicle mode. The parts break up a bit more into black in robot mode, but still... odd choice. Still, it looks good in its own right, and provides a bit more variety to Ironhide's color scheme than just the "black, black, and more black" that the original version had. Overall though, it's honestly still dull, given that gray and black isn't exactly a dynamic color combo. I do like the few bits of light red used primarily in vehicle mode for such things as taillights, headlights, and a thin red line near the bottom to help shake things up a little, though. And the Autobot "NEST" logo on the doors looks great and is a nice touch. The keeping of the dark blue transparent plastic was a nice decision and contrasts a bit better with the gray than it did with the black. In robot mode, some yellow-orangish-colored bits become more apparent, and again, help to add a bit more variety to Ironhide, even if like the gray they still don't make it particularly exciting or movie-accurate.
    Ironhide also has had some mold changes made-- the most obvious of which are to his guns. They're considerably larger proportionally now, and the one that goes on his right arm can fire a spring-loaded missile by pushing forward on the back end, which causes a REALLY cool movie-accurate "spinning action" on the front end as the missile fires. His other, smaller gun doesn't fire a missile, but still can slide around a bit and looks pretty cool and is movie-accurate. Because the guns are so much larger, they can't fit on the sides of Ironhide's arms in vehicle mode-- so, no extra undercarriage baggage there, Instead, they can clip into four slots near the back end of the vehicle, though they don't clip in very well-- they can still come undone rather easily, so easily that if you turn him upside down you'll be lucky if they don't fall out. Having the guns on the top of his vehicle mode sort ruins the whole "disguise" bit, as well. Ironhide's robot head has also been remolded to be significantly more movie-accurate and a bit more three-dimensional in its detailing-- not much to say here other than that it looks fantastic and a definite improvement on the original.
    The first RotF voyager-class Ironhide is a definite improvement mold-wise over the first movie's release, with a much-improved head and excellent, movie-accurate guns. I hate that the guns can't store in a less conspicious place, but other than that I'm all for the new additions to his arsenal. The gray color scheme, while not movie-accurate, is SLIGHTLY more eye-catching in most instances than the black-on-black color scheme of the orignal (excluding the Premium release), and helps to give him some variety while still making him look undeniably Ironhide. If you want the most Movie-accurate MOLD, go for this one. The most movie-accurate color scheme? Go for the Premium version. Just want the coolest all-around version, forget movie accuracy? Get the Recon upgrade to this mold instead.

Ironhide Bio:
Ironhide has never been happier. It's hard on a warrior to be on the defensive all the time, but that's just what most of the war was-- one defensive action after another. With Megatron defeated, and the Decepticons on the run everywhere, it's high time the Autobots went on the offensive. Working alongside the humans to hunt and destroy Decepticon hideouts around the world is the most fun he's had in ages.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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