Jolt (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark glittery blue, transparent aquamarine, and some silver, light yellow, light red, and pale metallic gold
Rating: 8.0

    Jolt's vehicle mode is a Chevrolet Volt. Comparing it to the real thing, it's proportions are very spot-on-- no robot mode extras or anything. There's a few telltale cracks in the car mode where there shouldn't be, but that's hardly a big deal as everything fits together snugly. The shade of dark blue used is also a semi-metallic, really attractive shade, and looks snazzy, especially when contrasted with the silver and red details on the headlights. I wish there was a bit more contrast in this mode for eye-catching reasons, but it's a realistic color scheme, of course. The transparent aquamarine windows are nice, but they aren't quite dark enough to hit Jolt's robot parts inside them. Granted, there's nothing that totally grabs your eye in there like a head right up against the windshield or anything, but it is a slight downer on an otherwise near-flawless alt mode.
    In robot mode, Jolt doesn't quite live up to the brief appearances we get of his robot mode in the movie. There are a few proportions problems, for one-- his are a little skinny and his legs a bit too bulky, particularly the lower legs, which is partially the result of the windshield bits hanging off them. Which leads me to his second problem-- a bit too much kibble. It's nothing toy-ruining by any means, but he's got windshield bits on the back of his arms, most of the front of the car mode hanging off his upper back, and parts of his car doors hanging off like wings on his sides. Luckily, the backpack stuff doesn't get in the way of movement, nor do the bits hanging off his lower arms. The "wing doors" can get a little annoying, though at least they're in a shape where they look genuinely like wings and thus contribute to the figure's silouhette positively-- more than I can say for the parts on his upper back or his arm-doors, at least. He is stable despite the kibble, though, thanks to his wel-articulated feet (speaking of which, making the halves of Jolt's bumper into his feet is an ingenious idea). Jolt's mold detailing is pretty darn great, with little robotic details pretty much everywhere on his robot parts-- wheel bits, "lights", circuitry lines, that sort of thing. His head sculpt's also really nice and crisp too, as well as unique. His paint detailing is a little disappointing, however-- seems like most of the budget for that was used up in vehicle mode. His head is really the only part of his robot mode that gets paint apps, which is a shame because his transparent blue chest-- which I really like overall, given his whole "electric" theme-- could really some paint on all those awesome details. Luckily, he has enough color variation on him in this mode that it isn't as much of an issue as you'd think-- the electric blue plastic makes for a nice accent color, and though the light gray isn't particuarly exciting, it does break things up a bit more. His gimmick is two fold-out electric whips that come out of his lower arms, but they're honestly pretty dinky and short for whips-- kinda disappointing, given they're his signature weapon. As far as articulation goes, Jolt can move slightly at the head, as well as the shoulders (at three points), elbows, waist, hips, knees (at two points), and ankles (at two points).
    Revenge of the Fallen Jolt isn't the best deluxe, but it's far from the worst. It has a great vehicle mode, nice color scheme, a fun and intuitive yet somewhat simple transformation, and some nice details, but this is partially offset by some kibble and articulation issues in robot mode. Mildly recommended.

Jolt Bio:
Jolt loves to cause trouble. More than one group of Decepticons has watched in confusion as Jolt, all alone, raced around them in circles, taunting them. They're not used to Autobots acting crazy. Little do they know that it really is just an act-- part of a plan to lure his enemies in close where he can deliver a crippling blow with his electro-whips.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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