The Fallen (Legend) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Charcoal gray, silver, and some red and light orange
Rating: 4.9

    Following his Voyager class version, The Fallen's alternate mode is some kinda alien spacecraft thingie, though it looks more like his robot mode doing yoga than an actual vehicle. This can hardly be blamed on the small scale-- after all the Voyager class version has the same problem. The nosecone looks pretty cool, but the legs are obviously just hanging off the sides of the vehicle. The plus side is that the arms, which form the rear thrusters, combine more solidly with the main body and aren't QUITE as obviously arms as on the Voyager toy. The face is still incredibly obvious, being only partially hidden by the main body of the vehicle. Everything pegs together quite well, too. The mold detailing is incredible, though, with little alien and rock-like detailing all over this tiny toy. For the most part, the paint detailing is a bit lackluster-- just having a silver paint wash over some parts doesn't help much, though the couple of red and orange paint apps on the figure really help add some contrast in the relevant areas-- but I will say that, oddly enough, this is easily the toy of The Fallen that has the most movie-accurate color scheme. He really looks like he's made of granite here, with a "flaming" interior. Really nice effect, there.
    In robot mode, although he's pretty accurate to the screen version in terms of proportions and a complete lack of vehicle mode kibble, he does suffer in a few areas from the small scale. His legs are oddly poses, almost like they're bending FORWARD at the knees and you have them on backwards-- but you don't. He also doesn't really have hands to speak of, just the "thruster detailing" that looks like he's just got plumes of flame coming out where his hands should be. Which I guess is kind of cool in its own way, but I would've preferred real hands. Although it doesn't go TOO far in that direction, The Fallen's head at this scale looks a bit more "cute" than you'd think from an ancient demigod force of evil. As far as articulation, he can move at the shoulders, hips, and ankles, and his head can move up and down a bit at the neck. So not exactly par-for-the-course articulation here, even for a Legend.
    The legend class version of The Fallen is a pretty unimpressive toy in both modes, though that lays more with what in my opinion is a bad design than the limitations of this small size class. His vehicle mode is a tiny bit better than the Voyager class version's, but his robot mode is a bit step backwards, with very little articulation and a lack of any real hands. About the only thing this toy has going for it is the movie-accurate color scheme-- unless that's a big deal to you, this is an easy skip.

The Fallen Tech Specs:
Strength: Infinity
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: Infinity
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: Infinity
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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