Jetfire (Legends) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, milky gray, and some dull red, very dull metallic blue, and silver
Rating: 7.1

    Jetfire's SR-71 Blackbird mode is a bit off in some respects, but overall it looks surprisingly sleek for a Legends class figure. The lone nosecone is done quite well, as is the main body. The engine-wings are a bit off, though, as they suffer a bit from becoming Jetfire's legs in robot mode- the feet stick out rather blatantly from the back end. Jetfire's arms also stick out a bit from underneath the nosecone, though at least they're skinny so they don't add TOO much bulk.  His robot head just sticks out from the back end with no attempt to hide it-- I mean, it's just THERE. Looks kinda odd, especially since it's upside down. Jetfire has quite an impressive amount of molded detailing in this mode, with little panel lines and the line everywhere. Most of the appropriate SR-71 Blackbird detailing-- namely the red lines-- is present on the figure, though perhaps a few military-esque marking paint apps would have helped to break up the otherwise pretty dull gray and black color scheme.
    Jetfire's robot mode has parts about it that are pretty good and parts about it that are kinda lame. The "pretty good" wins out overall, though-- the legs are done REALLY nicely, both when it comes to proportions and articulation, the head sculpt is great (though the blue paint on the top of it is VERY hard to see against the black), and the way his wings come together to form his torso is pretty ingenious, especially at this size scale-- and it looks surprisingly goodl. Jetfire's arms are ridiculously skinny, though, and the major blot on this mode. (I do like that his left arm is molded carrying his "cane", though.) The nosecone of the Blackbird mode also just hangs down behind his back, and looks kinda odd. As far as articulation goes, Jetfire can move at the shoulders (at two points), the hips (at two points), the knees, and the ankles. Nothing spectacular, but nothing bad for a Legends figure, either.
    Legends Jetfire is by no means perfect-- he's got some really wimpy arms in robot mode and some undercarriage problems and feet for engines in vehicle mode-- but honestly, if you're gonna get one version of RotF Jetfire, make it this one, even though by far it's the smallest and cheapest. The others just suffer way too much in at least one mode and have some problems that dwarf Legends Jetfire's.

Jetfire Tech Specs:
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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