Sideswipe (Legend; RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky gray and some black, dark blue, light sky blue, dark red, and dark metallic bluish gray
Rating: 7.6

    Sideswipe pulls off the sleek, semi-futuristic look of his vehicle mode, which is particularly impressive considering the scale. Except for the unavoidable telltale "cracks" in the car that make up the different pieces of the robot mode, there's no robot mode extras in this mode at all, and all the necessary details, like the taillights and headlights, are painted (except for the Corvette symbol on the front). I particularly like how the dark blue windshield transitions into light blue-- a very nice effect. Unfortunately, unlike most of his larger toys, this version of Sideswipe doesn't have a silver paint coating to his vehicle mode, but instead just the same dull milky gray that is hardly anything special. Meh.
    Given the scale, Sideswipe's robot mode is also quite good and accurate to his on-screen version. Granted, some of his details are merely molded into the interior of some of car parts, like the arms and blades in the interior of the car doors and the wheel-feet into the interiors of the car hood, but that's pretty much unavoidable at this scale with Movie toys. The small bits of the rear car hanging off his shoulders actually complements the look of the mold overall, though the piece of windshield on his butt is a little bit of an eyesore. The chest is particularly well-sculpted and detailed, and the head design is nice, even if it has a block of plastic behind it. The small pieces of the grill that fold back to become Sideswipe's "heels" in this mode so that he can stand up properly is a nice touch-- I wish the deluxe version had that feature! That said, Sideswipe is still missing some needed paint detailing to help offset all this light milky gray-- the fake tires on his feet pieces could really use some paint, as well as his arms and arm blades. As far as articulation goes, for a Legends-class toy Sideswipe's got it-- he can move at the shoulders (at two points), hips, and knees. I wish the knee articulation was a bit more free, though, as they only move in one direction and the windshield piece on his back does tend to get in the way of movement there.
    RotF Legends Sideswipe is one of the better Movie Legends toys, looking pretty decent and movie-accurate in both modes for the scale, and with the only noticable piece of "kibble" being the windshield piece on his butt in robot mode. Not as good as the deluxe overall-- especially given the bland milky gray instead of silver-- but if you're looking for a cheaper alternative, this one'll do nicely.

Sideswipe Tech Specs:
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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