Sideways (Legend) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Milky moderately dark gray, black, and some silver and light pale metallic red
Rating: 6.8

    Sideways' alt mode is an Audi R8, modified just enough from the real thing that Hasbro doesn't have to pay the licensing fees, since they can't legally make a toy of the thing. Toy copyright law is a weird thing. Anyways, the proportions for this mode are pretty well-done, with no robot mode extras whatsoever. All of the necessary mold details are there as well as a few extras, too (the engine is particularly well-detailed). Most of the details are filled in with paint, too, so the black, gray, silver, and light red makes for a decent color scheme that keeps the overall scheme from getting too boring. (Nothing on the tail end is painted, however.) Even the gray isn't your typical light "blah" gray, but looks semi-silver even though it's unpainted plastic. Unfortunately, Sideways has the same movie-inaccurate black paint apps on his alt mode here that his deluxe class toy does-- just a bit of black detailing on the side doors, as opposed to black detailing down the entire middle of the car, which would've looked much cooler.
    Sideways' robot mode is definitely the lesser of his two modes. I rather like the large, bulky arms with the huge, open palms, even if they're a bit inaccurate-- they look pretty menacing. The front hood of the car also forms a decent chest, considering the side of the toy. However, I'm really not a fan of Sideways' head and legs. His head is way too tiny, and painted kind of like an owl's, even though it in actuality looks nothing like that. His legs are also too skinny and the feet drastically undersized, making it quite a bit harder for him to stand than it should be. In addition, his feet can only move FORWARD at the knees, effectively making that point of articulation useless except for transformation. (Sideways' other articulation includes two points at the shoulders and one at the hips-- not particularly impressive, even for a Legends class figure.) Even though Sideways has exceptional mold detailing in this mode-- particularly on his waist and legs-- there's no paint on his robot mode (sans the face) to bring any of the detailing out, making him look a bit on the dull side in this mode.
    Sideways is one of the weaker RotF Legends toys. His car mode is pretty decent, but his robot mode really has some wonky proportions, such as a tiny head and feet, as well as skinny legs and bulky arms. His lack of articulation and detailing in robot mode further lessens that mode's charm. I wish I could recommend getting another version of him instead, but poor Sideways, none of his toys are particularly good...

Sideways Tech Specs:
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 3.0
Courage: 4.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 4.0

Review by Beastbot

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