Autobot Skids (Legends) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately light glittery green, black, light red, and some light metallic silvery blue, light sky blue,  and silver
Rating: 6.2

    Skids' Chevy Spark vehicle mode is pretty well-represented at this small of a scale-- the proportions are right-on, much more representative of the actual car than Mudflap's Legends toy. Other than little "heel" bits on the back end, there aren't any robot mode extras in this mode either, and he's got quite a lot of paint apps to break up the green-- the headlights, bumper details, "skids" deco on the sides, windows, and tail-lights are all painted and give him a fair amount of a variety. His "skids" deco is a bit oddly stretched to have it all fit on one plastic piece, though. There are a few unsightly "cracks" in the vehicle mode, but it's not as bad in this mode as Skids' brother Mudflap.
    Skids' transformation is pretty much identical to Legends-class Mudflap's as well, but unfortunately due to the different car proportions, it makes Skids' proportions in this mode a bit wonkier. The legs are long, particularly for Skids, who is supposed to have overly-short legs to begin with. He has one normal-sized arm, but his right arm is ridiculously oversized. Granted, his right arm IS a bit bigger than his left arm on the movie design, but a LITTLE. Not with a fist four times the size of the other. Having small plastic bits stick out in front of his shoulders doesn't look too hot, either. However, his vehicle parts DO largely intergrate into his robot mode without looking overly "kibbly", which is certainly a plus. His robot mold detailing is pretty decent where it is done-- such as on his waist and legs-- but his head detailig is off a bit. Can't quite put my finger on why, but it definitely is-- he looks kinda owl-ish, actually. His head also doesn't click into place anywhere, but kinda swings in place a little bit on the hinge that attaches it to his chest. Regarding his color scheme, although it's still fair, it loses a lot of the variety he had in vehicle mode, as much of those paint apps are "hidden" in this mode. A bit more detailing on the waist and/or arms would've been appreciated. Articulation-wise, Skids can move at the shoulders (at two points), elbows, and hips. Not exactly stunning articulation, even for a Legend.
    Skids is a bit weaker of a toy than his Legends-class twin Mudflap. Skids definitely has a superior alt mode, but his robot mode has some definite problems-- in terms of proportions, sculpting, and articulation. He also has minor balance issues if you want to do anything with his feet other than just keeping him standing straight up. The other versions of Skids are better-- even if you want a simpler-transforming version, I'd get the Fast Action Battler version over this one.

Autobot Skids Tech Specs:
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 2.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 5.0
Skill: 3.0

Review by Beastbot

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