Autobot Wheelie (Legend) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark blue, dull bluish black, and some siilver, red, light metallic silvery blue, and dull muddy brown
Rating: 7.3

    Wheelie's alternate mode, already meant to be a toy version of a monster truck, works pretty well at this small scale. Heck, if anything it looks a bit MORE "real" than his deluxe toy, what with more square angles and more realistic-proportioned tires. From a front or slightly angled view, this mode looks great, and the dark blue and gray color scheme, though not particularly eye-catching, is pretty decent. The mud-brown, light metallic blue, and silver paint all contrast quite well aginst the dark blue, the brown used for the windows being an odd choice, but one that makes a bit of sense given the alt mode. Unfortunately, if you look at this mode from a side view-- or, even worse, a back view-- the robot mode extras become readily apparent. Wheelie's face sticks out quite blatantly from the backside of the driver's seat area, and his chest is pretty obvious on the rear end of the vehicle-- it also sticks down almost to the ground, elminating the high clearance the main body of the truck should have from the ground. Plus, his arms are merely folded across in between the four wheels, making even more kibble obvious in between his wheels.
    Wheelie's robot mode is definitely where the design was focused, and it looks great-- in some ways, in fact, even better than the deluxe! His main body has some great mold and paint detailing on it, and his head is very well-sculpted and considerably more movie-accurate than the head on his deluxe toy. His appendages are a bit TOO stick-like, but at this scale there's little that can be done about that, considering that they ARE rather skinny on the actual movie model. I do wish his hands looked less like mere hooks, though. His feet are just as they are in the movie-- wheels-- with a small part of the front bumper sticking out unceremoniously behind said wheels to stabilize the figure. It's not a particularly pretty solution, but it's better than having Wheelie unable to stand up. Wheelie can move at the neck (at two points), shoulders, elbows, and hips (at two points), which is fairly good for a tiny toy like this.
    Legends class RotF Wheelie is an excellent and faithful recreation of the character in robot mode, but although he looks good in vehicle mode from the front, from most other angles his robot parts are a bit too painfully obvious, knocking his score down a fair bit. Given that he's a tiny Wheelie and thus more in scale with most other deluxe-and-larger TF toys, he's a pretty decent little toy given the inherent restrictions, but I think the deluxe version is a bit better of a toy.

Autobot Wheelie Tech Specs:
Strength: 2.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Speed: 2.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 1.0
Courage: 1.0
Fireblast: 2.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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