Optimus Prime (Leader) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Leader
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Dark blue, light milky gray, moderately light red, and some silver, clear plastic, translucent orange, black, and dull metallic orange
Rating: 9.8

    Optimus Prime's vehicle mode is what you'd expect-- a Peterbuilt long-nose truck with flames. The proportions are pretty darn spot-on in this mode, with some nice flame paint apps and "rivet" detailing all over the place, and no robot mode extras whatsoever. A few MINOR things make it slightly inferior to the first Movie Leader Prime's vehicle mode-- for one, he has plastic tires, not rubber. Also, there's a small hole near the rear of this mode where you can see right through his vehicle mode to the floor/desk below. Also, there's some gray hinges sticking out from behind the main blue body of his truck mode that don't quite mesh with the surroudnign pieces, and you can see gears inside his clear windows. All of these as a whole are practically nothing given how spot-on proportionally the mode is in this mode-- and given how excellent the robot mode is, as well...
    Optimus Prime's robot mode is just... wow. How they can get something so incredibly accurate to his movie on-screen model while still having THAT perfect of a vehicle mode is just mind-boggling. (He does have a VERY complex transformation, though it's not overtly frustrating-- but be warned, regardless.) Pretty much all of the details are movie-accurate-- the panels on the sides of his legs and arms are only where they are on the actual movie model, and he doesn't have any huge kibble problems. Really the only vehicle pieces he has in this mode that aren't on the movie model are the rear wheel covers on his back, which do stick out a bit, but that's a REALLY small quibble given how perfect just about everything else is. I really like his feet design-- accurate to the movie and REALLY impressively done, given that they fold out to become almost half of his underside in vehicle mode! Getting all the panels and pipes behind his head the way they are also looks great, as does his window/chest grill assembly which is pretty much spot-on accurate. His mold detailing is exquisite, particularly in his upper arms, chest, and feet, where you can see springs and other types of mechanical detailing EVERYWHERE. His colors are fairly standard for a Prime, with dark blue, red, and gray being the major colors. It looks decent enough-- and you aren't really going to mess with Prime's iconic colors-- but I do wish the dull milky gray was a more metallic sheen (though for budgetary reasons I understand why it's not all painted silver). His panels all stay out of the way of his articulation, so he's pretty good in that respect-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), wrists, hips (at three points), knees, and ankles. Waist movement and slightly more movement at the knees are really the only things he's missing. (His hands also don't have individual finger articulation, but due to all the other pieces that budget went to, this is more than forgiveable.) As far as gimmicks go, swords can flip out from both of his lower arms, which look pretty cool. They do tend to flip out too easily, though, which can be slightly annoying. Also, if you press down on his lower chest piece, his eyes light up green and his chest red as he says "I am Optimus Prime" (and in his Peter Cullen voice, not some imitator's). This same sound effect will go off several times during transformation, though, which makes it rather annoying. The classic "transforming" sound effect DOES occur when you connect/disconnect Prime's waist from his chest, which is a pretty nice effect.
    RotF Leader Optimus Prime is not just an incredible toy in both modes, but an absolute marvel of engineering given how it seemed impossible to get such an accurate toy to the movie model in both modes. The first movie's Leader Prime was already quite good, and this puts THAT one to shame. It is difficult to transform, so I wouldn't recommend it to young'ins, but anyone in the "older kid" age group of 10+ or collectors? Absolutely-- even if you don't like the movie aesthetic much, this is too much of a marvel not to pick up.

Optimus Prime Bio:
With the destruction of Megatron, Optimus Prime thought that he was finally, after millions of years, at peace. Little did he know that the escape of Starscream would draw dozens of new Decepticons to Earth. The desire that burns brightest in his Spark is that the war will soon end. He is determined to see that end come, and so he works with his human comrades and the other Autobots to hunt the Decepticons that have come to Earth, and destroy them, one by one.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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