Skywarp (RotF) [Wal-Mart Exclusive]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Price: $25 U.S.
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, milky gray, metallic purple, and some royal purple, cherry red, transparent red, and silver
Rating: 8.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Movie Voyager Starscream toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Movie Voyager Starscream toy here.)

    Like pretty much every toy every named Skywarp, this toy is an homage to the G1 Starscream repaint of the same name, and has a similar paint job. Black is Skywarp's main color here, with purple and some gray/silver as secondary colors. He takes the classic scheme and ups the ante a bit, though. The purple paint is a really nice-looking metallic shade, and the purple plastic looks pretty good as well-- both really go well against the black and gray. Plus, his deco job in his vehicle mode isn't slavishly G1-- it has, in my opinion, a much more eye-catching color scheme with the metallic purple stripes, the couple of silver paint apps to add in some more contrast, and the Decepticon emblems on the tailfins. The robot mode brings in my favorite part of Skywarp's color scheme, though, and that's the red. The red used for his chest and kneecaps REALLY pops, and just looks fantastic against the black. Really, I can't overstate enough how nice those couple of paint apps are. Skywarp's gray is a bit on the meh side, but it's really only visible in robot mode much and using silver paint on all those parts would have been impractical anyways. At least it's not the super-dull LIGHT milky gray seen on many Movie TFs...
    RotF Skywarp has the same remolded G1-esque head that Movie Thundercracker has, but doesn't have any mold alterations that are unique to this version. And I don't mind the altered head on this toy as much, since he's already mostly black, so having a black head doesn't feel too forced in this case.
    RotF Skywarp's actual figure is so-so, but as seems to be the case with most Skywarp redecos, he's got a fantastic red. The metallic purple and cherry red really seal the deal, particuarly in robot mode. If you're going to get one version of this mold, make it this one.

Skywarp Bio:
Skywarp has never been interested in power or conquest. He simply wishes to be left alone in his pursuit of knowledge. He joined the Decepticons because Megatron was willing to give him facilities in which to work, and simply leave him alone. In return, he has produced countless powerful weapons and experimental systems for his comrades. He is personally equipped with mighty weapons that can twist the very fabric of reality into a smear of color and light, or rip mountains apart.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 3.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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