Bumblebee (Ultimate Battle Charged)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (Mask Up)
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Ultimate ($80-90 U.S.)
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard (Very Hard for younger kids, as it takes a lot of force to transform him)
Color Scheme: Metallic golden yellow, black, milky gray, and some silver, yellow, clear plastic, bright orange, transparent cherry red, dark glossy gray, dull metallic greenish copper, and dull metallic gold
Rating: 8.0

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Ultimate Bumblebee. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Ultimate Bumblebee here.)

    Ultimate "Battle Charged" Bumblebee is less a repaint of the original Ultimate Bumblebee than a re-release with a few minor modifications to make him more accurate to his Revenge of the Fallen appearance. As far as deco changes go, there's extremely minimal-- pretty much every paint and plastic color hue is the same on this release as on the previous one, with a few minor exceptions. The Chevrolet symbol on the front bumper is now red-rimmed instead of silver, and there's a bit more silver paint on his arms and a few VERY minor other paint app changes on his robot mode. Most of what's interesting about this new version comes from the new sounds and slight mold changes.
    The first mold change isn't a big one-- the front of the car mode has been remolded with the new headlight design to reflect the accurate Camaro design in RotF. What's cooler is that his head's been remolded to have the flip-down battle mask (that you have to pull out of his head and THEN flip down-- it can come off easily). It's quite accurate and cool-looking-- and something the original should have had! Blargh. Anyways, as for sound effects, when you turn him on, he'll say one of many phrases (made up of "different radio soundbytes"), "Reporting for duty, sir", "I'm here to save-- the world as we know it", "We got a great team here, I think we can beat just about anybody this year!", "*knock knock knock* Helloooo?", and the like. He'll also play snippets of Stan Bush's "The Touch" now instead of "Whip It". His general movements in response to YOUR movements are the same, though, and his lights and the "blinking" eyes remain the same as on the original release. His vehicle mode sounds and reactions to movement are also pretty much the same as on the original release.
    Overall Ultimate Battle Charged Bumblebee is a decent pickup for a kid who likes lights and sounds more than articulation, and although minor, the new touches are nice for someone who didn't pick up the original version. Still, he's quite expensive for what you'd get-- even if you're in the situation where you like gimmicks over articulation, I'd wait until he's on clearance, as $80-90 is hefty price tag to swallow for an oversized Camaro toy.

Ultimate Battle Charged Bumblebee Bio:
Bumblebee stayed on Earth after the destruction of the AllSpark to continue protecting his friend Sam, and he has stayed with the young human every day since. As more Decepticons have appeared to threaten Earth, the friendship between boy and robot has become something more. Now, human and Autobot are teammates in a battle for the fate of the world, and neither will rest until every last Decepticon is a smoking wreck.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 3.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

(Images from Hasbro.)

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