Megatron (Voyager) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull bluish green, black, and some silver, metallic bluish silver, light red, metallic gold, metallic gunmetal gray, and transparent cherry red
Rating: 7.9

    Out of the various RotF Megatron toys, this version is the only one that actually has a pretty accurate vehicle mode. As seen in the movie, he's not just a Cybertronian tank, but some sort of shell/tank hybrid thing with little wings so he could fly, and that's what he's represented by here. This mode is generally pretty good, with msot of the robot parts hidden fairly well-- though the tips of the feet poking out near the front are a tad obvious, and his larger arm can be seen folding into the rear of the vehicle quite blatantly if you look at him from a non-frontal angle. (His robot head can also be seen underneath his blaster, but that's movie-accurate-- and the "cage" that covers up his robot head in this mode looks quite cool and is way more movie-accurate than on other versions of this character. Megatron's cannon in this mode, which is a bit smaller than on other versions of this figure (but again, more movie-accurate) has a spring-loaded firing projectile that can be activated by pushing down on the transparent red trigger further back on his arm-- and yes, unfortunately it's blatantly obvious that his blaster is one of his robot arms. Megatron also has the "jet boosters" on the rear end of this vehicle, something that the other versions of him only slightly nod too. I mean, really, this is just a far, FAR more solid-looking vehicle mode on this version, and not so much like his robot mode in a weird position. I'm not too fond of his dull greenish blue color scheme, though. It's not bad by any means, and I guess they were trying to emphasize "ocean fading/rust" or something, but that's not how he looked for the vast majority of the movie. Having this with silver paint would've looked much better, if you ask me. The black and some silver and gold paint apps do help to break it up a little, albeit moreso in robot mode.
    Speaking of Megatron's robot mode, the CORE robot mode is very well-done, and is, again the most movie-accurate robot mode in that respect compared to all the different versions of this character. His chest is a TAD small, but other than that his proportions are pretty spot-on, and his face sculpt is incredibly well-done. The transparent red just shines through the light piping in his eyes and mouth very well. I particularly like how, when you unfold his larger right arm, his big blade-claw swing sout to change it from a blaster to a melee weapon-- a very cool movie-accurate touch, there. His legs are also interestingly constructed, having a slight backwards bend to them at the knees, unlike other versions of him (and, unlike most of this toy, not really movie-accurate). However, that combined with wide feet makes him quite stable, despite his ENORMOUS backpack hanging off of him, made up of pretty much the entire to of his vehicle mode. And therein is this toy's biggest flaw-- this huge backpack pretty much ruins his silouhette, gets in the way of some arm movement, and worst of all, doesn't peg into anything. It just kinda flops around a little on his back, and is pretty annoying. His "face mask" from vehicle mode also just sits unceremoniously behind his head in this mode. On the plus side though, Megatron has INCREDIBLE mold detailing in this mode, with tons of little "metal shard" detailing everywhere, and all of it remarkably crisp. Also, when you turn his waist, gears inside his chest rotate as well, which is pretty cool as far as "Mech Alive" gimmicks go. Besides the waist, Megatron can also move at the neck (at two points), shoulders (at three points on the right arm, two on the left), elbows (at one point on the right arm, two on the left), the hips (at three points), knees, and a little at the ankles. So he's a bit restricted in the legs, but otherwise his articulation is pretty good.
    RotF voyager Megatron certainly has his problems, such as a few visible robot parts in vehicle mode and basically his entire alt mode hanging off his back in robot mode, but he's got excellent proportions in both modes, some excellent detailing, and is by far the most movie-accurate toy for his RotF design. I'd recommend this toy over any other version of RotF Megatron, easily.

Megatron (Voyager) Bio:
Trapped in the black, crushing depths of the sea, his mind inert in the grip of stasis lock, Megatron knew nothing of the desperate search mounted for his remains by the other Decepticons. When he was finally brought back online, their effort and sacrifice meant little to him. The only thing that had any meaning was revenge. He would have his vengeance against the human boy who cheated him of his prize, and he swore to celebrate over the smoking wreck of Optimus Prime.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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