Roleplay Dark Saber and Star Saber

(NOTE: Since I don't have much to say about each of these roleplay toys individually, I've decided to review them both as a whole, with only a few comments about each individual sword.)

Dark Saber (Roleplay)
Dagger ModeSword Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Roleplay ($15)
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Black, metallic purple, gold, and transparent light purple
Rating: 3.9

Star Saber (Roleplay)
Dagger ModeSword Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Roleplay ($15)
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: White, black, dark blue, and some gold, yellow, and transparent light blue
Rating: 3.6

    The Roleplay Star Saber and Dark Saber are both the exact same toy, but with different color schemes. But they were both released at the same time, so I'm not sure which one of them to call a repaint... Well, regardless, at least they look more like an actual sword this time around. Of course, they certainly should, considering that they can't really transform at all. Oh, the box SAYS that they can, but basically a few plastic parts move out or in and you're done- it's as much of a "transformation" as when you change your clothes. Still, at least when you "transform" it by sliding the black lever in the center of the toy, it makes a cool mechanical sound. The other two sounds are when you swing the sword- it'll make too different swinging sounds, one ending with a swish and one ending with a clank, depending on whether it's in the sword mode of the dagger mode, respectively. On all sound effects, a red light under a Minicon insignia in the center of the sword blinks a few times. The molded and paint detailing is also satisfactory, although not spectacular, and the small colored panels moving inside the sword is kinda neat. However, what really gets me is that not only is this thing incredibly small for a sword- it's barely over a foot long- but it's made out of hard plastic. Which means that you can't actually fake-play with it- what you're MEANT to do with it- because you might either break the sword or break your head. And that's what really makes me deem it worthless, even if it were perfect in all other respects. As for the color schemes themselves, I like the purple, gold, and black scheme of the Dark Saber better than the Star Saber, although the latter ain't half bad either, and they're both good for their respective allegiances.
    The Roleplay Star and Dark Sabers are wastes of plastic, since you can't really DO anything with them except swing them in the air a couple of times and quickly grow bored of them. I'm not even going to recommend these to completists...

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Review by Beastbot

(Roleplay Star Saber pictures taken from

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