Microscope ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Off-white, black, light milky gray, and some light metallic purple, silver, and yellowish clear plastic
Rating: 7.6

    Scalpel's alternate mode is a microscope, which certainly fits his "medic" function. It's also nice, just as an aside, to have an alt mode that, while not TOTALLY new to the Transformers universe, is certainly a rare one and hasn't been done in a loooong time. Anyways, this mode is generally pretty impressive, especially for at this scale-- there's a bit of purple detailing on part of the body that obviously doesn't belong there on a real microscope, but other than that there's no robot mode extras whatsoever. You can't actually see through the microscope lens (and it's too small anyway), but it is translucent, and all the necessary details are there, like fake "dials" and the like. The main body of the microscope can also be raised or lowered in respect to the base on a gray bar, and it can be angled a bit at a joint close to said bar-- again, impressive at this scale. I do wish there was a bit more paint detailing in this mode, though, as Scalpel could use a bit more color variation than just black, white, and gray. Nothing too "out there", of course, but a couple more painted details, at least.
    Scalpel's transformation is quite unique, and it leads to an equally unique robot mode. It's very insectoid-looking, but in more than just some details like many of the Movie Decepticons-- Scalpel has six crab-like legs, a long body, two tiny arms, and a head with large eyes sporting antennae. It's certainly a "love-it-or-hate-it" kind of mode-- either you're up for Transformers having robot modes deviating this much from the norm or you're not. Personally I am, but I figure Scalpel did it wrong in a few places. For one, too much of his balance is on the front end, which makes it a bit hard to get him to stand in any pose that isn't a standard one. His arms are also WAY too tiny, even for little insect-ones-- it's hard to imagine them doing ANYHING useful, they make a T-Rex's look big. The front half of Scalpel also just doesn't mesh with the back half in terms of shape-- I wish the body actually sat on top of the six legs instead of in front of them. However, I do LOVE the head sculpt, with the narrowed, large eyes, little nodules for a mouth, and the transparent antennae-- and the purple circuitry detailing on his chest just looks great and helps give at least a little variety to his color scheme. The way the sides of the microscope dials rotate under to form Scalpel's stomach is also quite inventive. As far as articulation, Scalpel can move at three points on each leg, at the shoulder and elbow of each arm, at the neck )at two ponts), the base of his waist, and at the base of his antennae. Again though, given his odd balance this is less movement than it would appear from just listing it-- plus his legs can't upward as much as you'd think they could. There is one additional--and major-- problem with Scalpel: his legs are made of a rather brittle plastic, and as skinny as they are, MANY people have gotten Scalpel with the ball joints on his legs snapped. I was quite lucky with mine, but unfortunately, this problem was never fixed. Be sure to look carefully if you get him MOSC-- it's quite a common problem, and be sure to be careful in that area when you play with him.
    Scalpel is a great twist on your traditional Transformer, with both an unusual alt mode AND an unusual bot mode. His microscope mode is generally quite solid, but he does have some proportions and QA issues in robot mode. For me the oddity of his design overcomes these downsides, but it may not be that way for many. Also-- remember to be careful around the legs, if you do purchase one.

Scalpel Bio:
Scalpel has a massive database of anatomical data for millions of creatures across the universe. He can disassemble anything that doesn't struggle too much in a matter of minutes, and usually puts it back together with only a few parts in the wrong place. He serves as medic to the Decepticon army, but most Decepticons prefer to suffer in silence rather than allow Scalpel to work on them.
Strength: 2.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 2.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 4.0
Fireblast: 4.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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