Sunspot (Normal)Sunspot (Costume)Sunspot (Powered-Up)

Real Name: Roberto DaCosta

Mutant Power: Ability to convert solar energy into superhuman strength, converting into a "fire demon"-like form in order to do so. He can also fly in this "super-charged" form.

Voice Actor: Michael Coleman

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Back Story: Sunspot has no back story. He was one of the "new recruits" in the Season 2 opener "Growing Pains"- and, um, that's it...

Personality: Sunspot has barely even talked except for in the episode "Retreat", so it's hard to grasp a good picture of his personality, really. From what I can gather, he's a bit of a show-off, and a bit of a subtle flirter- especially with Wolfsbane, who he seemed to have liked. He's also a bit overconfident sometimes, but the upside to this is that he's almost always optimistic and cheerful. He's not much of a person who likes to goof-off, though, which is surprising for a person with his outgoing personality. So, he generally follows the rules. And he likes the outdoors and sun, for obvious reasons.

Final Reflections: Egads, what an underfocused character. One episode, that was all he got, and even then he played only a secondary role. It's been said by the writers, though, that they had planned to put him in several episodes, but he always got cut because of time constraints. Poor, poor Sunspot...

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