Tigatron is back, and this time as a Transmetal! Tigatron also makes Transformer history as the first BotCon exclusive to be a Japanese mold. Tigatron Transmetal is a repaint of the Japanese Beast Wars Metals toy X-9 Ravage, which, in turn, is a repaint and partial remold of the American toy, Cheetor Transmetal. Now, on to the review!
Beast mode is a transmetal
tiger- or at least, it's supposed to be. It's too slim for a tiger, and
one can tell that this mold was originally intended for a cat with a lighter
build (a cheetah or panther, anyone?). Still, though, the coloring is quite
nice, and you can definitely tell it's Tigatron-
the old "white and light blue" color scheme is still there. The transmetal
dark blue looks especially nice. Unlike the Cheetor Transmetal toy, Tigatron
Transmetal can open and close his beast mode mouth, which is nice. The
main problem I have with this mode is that the robot arms just hang out
under the stomach area, and it really looks odd from nearly any angle except
directly above. An attempt to hide these better would have been appreciated.
Also, Tigatron's guns are stored on his thighs in this mode, but they don't
detract from the look much at all, as they very easily blend in with their
Vehicle mode isn't much
of one, but it still looks rather neat. As with Cheetor Transmetal, the
jets located in Tigatron's stomach flip out to the sides and elongate,
and voila, you're done. The guns on Tigatron's thighs actually complement
this mode, as they look sort of like secondary thrusters.
Tigatron's robot mode
is pretty neat. The only extra is the "backpack" on Tigatron's upper back,
made up of his beast mode front legs and upper back. In this mode, it becomes
apparent that Tigatron suffers from a lack of detailing- he's nearly all
white and light blue in this mode, and a greater color variation would
have been appreciated. The only thing that kind of bothers me about this
mode is that Tigatron's beast head carries over to form his robot head,
which I think is a bit uncreative. Still, considering that this is a repaint
of a Japanese Beast Wars Ravage toy, I can see why it was done. Unlike
Cheetor Transmetal, Tigatron Transmetal has guns available to use in his
robot mode, which is a nice touch. If you lift open his chest plate, there
is a sticker inside that depicts a spark! Pretty cool! Another little add-on
given to Tigatron Transmetal is that he comes with Vok and Maximal symbol
stickers for his chest and shoulders (not depicted in the pics above, obviously).
It's neat to see stickers coming with Transformers again, but in my opinion,
just directly spraying or painting them on the toy would have been better-
that way, they wouldn't fall off eventually.
Tigatron Transmetal
is a good toy, but his blatant extras in beast mode and his mostly monotonous
color scheme make him a step down from the Cheetor Transmetal toy. If you
have the money, then you might as well get it, however, since the mold
with the cooler paint job, Beast Wars Metals X-9 Ravage, is actually going
for more than this toy right now.
Review by Beastbot