Jetstorm (Ultra) {Beast Machines}
Jetstorm's Vehicle ModeJetstorm's Hover Mode (with guided missles)Jetstorm's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Vehicon
Size: Ultra
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Chrome dark blue, light metallic blue, medium-dark blue, transparent red, light red, bright yellow, dark gray, light gray, and some light violet and red-orange
Similarity to counterpart: !!
Rating: 8.9

    Vehicle mode is a futuristic jet. This mode is VERY cool-looking. The yellow stripes and spots, combined with the blue "background" and sometimes the red-orange fade, fits together very well. It is also very show-accurate, only a few small differences differentiating this mode from the show version. This is also one HUGE ultra-sized toy- Hasbro could have probably made it a super if they wanted to. Jetstorm also has a very cool action gimmick in this mode. If you unhook a hinge on the jet rear, his missile pods spring up. By turning the missle pods left and right, not only to the missiles fire, but his jet-head also moves in the appropriate direction and his missles and eyes light up as well! Very cool! This looks especially great in the dark! The jet head can also move without the action feature deployed, so don't worry there. The only problem with this action gimmick is that in certain toys, the hinge on the rear may get worn down over time, and the missle pods may spring up occasionally when you don't want them to. Still, a rather well-done and creative gimmick. There are two problems with this mode, however, one major and one minor. The major one is that the robot legs rather hang off the bottom, and from a side view, look a little odd. They still fit in somewhat, though, and aren't TOO much of a distraction. The minor problem is that there are two small openings in the back aft of the jet, and it keeps the main body of the jet from looking "solid". This doesn't really interfere with playability, though. Jetstorm also comes with two "guided missile-drones", which are essentially shark-faced torpedos that can move their necks. A missle with posability? Now THAT'S original. They are stored on his underside in this mode. One other note that's common to all forms of Jetstorm: for some reason, the "transmetallized" plastic on Ultra Jetstorm seems a bit cheaper than that on other transformers, and it tends to chip and peel by itself after a year or so of playing. This can detract from the visual effect, but, of course, it doesn't hinder playability. Detailing in this mode is pretty good for a vehicle- although rather smooth,  it does have chips and electronic gadgetry molded in in some places- the detailing isn't as good as that of Deluxe Jetstorm's. Jetstorm's spark crystal can be viewed rather easily; merely lift up the small grey panel at the front of his main body and there it is.
    Although Ultra Jetstorm's robot mode isn't as good as his vehicle mode, it's still rather nice, especially from a front-on view. Again, it's stunning visually. His arms, however, are too small proportionally, and the tabs that are supposed to hold them into the main body don't do so very well, so his arms may come out of their sockets sometimes when you try to move them. As noticeable from a side or back view, his main body also isn't filled out- the back is mostly hollow, and detracts a bit from the visual effect unless you look at him straight-on. Jetstorm's eyes and missile pods (now chest-mounted) can light up in this mode, too, by pressing a button under Jetstorm's head. The missiles must be fired separately by triggers in this mode. Two other concerns with this mode: For one, the plastic for the chest panels feels rather cheap when you're transforming him, almost like you're going to break them off. So far, they have held well on my toy, though. Second, Jetstorm's chest sticks out a bit too much, making him look unnecessarily bulky for this mode. Still, though, Jetstorm is still a rather cool 'bot in this mode, if for nothing else than posing. His claws can move individually, which is always a treat, the style of his large legs and head almost make him look "Gundam-ish". A pretty good mode, but it does have a few flaws that could have been corrected. This is what kept me from giving Jetstorm a 9.0 or above.
    Jetstorm's hover mode is merely an extension of his robot mode, with the feet transformed into minature hover-engines. This hover mode is much better-looking than the Deluxe Jetstorm's hover mode, and Ultra Jetstorm's lower body looks more solid. Kudos to Hasbro on this mode.
    Overall, a great toy. It does have a few flaws, especially in robot mode, but the positives far outway the negatives, in my opinion. A recommended buy.

Jetstorm (Ultra) Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerodrone General
MOTTO: "Cruelty is, perhaps, the most enjoyable sin."
A high-tech flying Vehicon, Jetstorm is a fast-talking hotshot with a mean attitude and a twisted sense of humor. Spends as much time taunting his opponents as blasting them. Loves his job as General of the aerodrones and is fiercely competitive with his fellow Vehicon Generals. Glowing eyes are equipped with powerful radar for scanning and tracking Maximals. His pulse missile system is thought-guided and deadly to the core. Quickest of the Vehicons, Jetstorm is despised by all who know him.
Strength: 9.4
Intelligence: 8.8
Speed: 9.9
Endurance: 9.3
Rank: 9.5
Courage: 9.2
Firepower: 9.7
Skill: 9.6

Review by Beastbot

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