Cyclonus w/ Nightstick (Universe 2.0)
Vehicle Mode w/ Nightstick, Gun ModeRobot Mode w/ Nightstick, Robot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dull dark purple, light dull milky gray, and some silver, red, dull greyish tan, dull metallic rusty red, black, pale metallic gold, and transparent cherry red
Rating: 9.0

    Cyclonus' vehicle mode is a futuristic spacecraft/jet, just like his original G1 form. In fact, giving the "realism" line the Universe 2.0 line traditionally goes for, he's surprisingly un-realistic, not having any real-life counterpart. (Not that that's a strike against him, mind you-- just something worth pointing out.) The overall proportions of the jet mode are quite accurate to his G1 form, including the angled-forward wings and the long nosecone. The colors are a bit darker this time, with the shade of purple being quite dark while the light contrast color is a light, milky gray. The purple is great, and the gray contrasts well with it, but it's a really milky color that doesn't bring out the awesome mold detailing on the toy, such as the various molded panels and vents. There's also a teritary tannish greenish gray color which doesn't look so hot-- though again it isn't used much, so it's not a big loss. The dull red and silver paint apps look fantastic, though, and I love the shade of transparent red used for the cockpit-- it looks particularly sinister. There's also three fold-out landing gear in this mode, which is always a nice feature. There is one BIG downside to this mode, though, and that's that the body doesn't look or feel nearly as "solid" as it should. It's made up of the two robot mode legs, with the lower halves folded over the upper halves to make them shorter and thicker. The problem, is, the shelves of the legs' lower halves don't lock into anything, and the legs don't lock into each other, which means there is no real "set" position for them in jet mode. The connectors that connect each half of the body to its respective wing do help to stabilize it somewhat, it's still quite annoying. Plus, looking at the jet mode from any view that resembles a downward angle, you can clearly see the big gap in the middle of the jet mode's body. The robot feet also just hang off the back end, which is a tad unsightly. Cyclonus does come with a Targetmaster parter, though-- Nightstick. Nightstick can form a futuristic gun which can be mounted on top of the cockpit in this mode (it doesn't shoot any missiles, though). Nightstick can be transformed to robot mode very easily, but unlike the G1 Targetmaster partners' robot modes, this version of Nightstick can move back-and-forth at the shoulders, elbows, and hips, which is pretty good for the size. The mold detailing is also excellent, particularly on the face, so he's a cool little extra.
    Cyclonus' robot mode, on the other hand, TOTALLY deserves all the praise it gets. It's nearly perfect. The proportiosn are spot-on-- looking sleek, just fairly powerful-- and I love how the swept-back wings accent his lower arms and fold behind his shoulders. The mold detailing on his robot parts is quite good-- I particularly like the vent-like shapes on the knees and chest, as well as the excellent head sculpt. I wish his face had been painted silver, though, to accentuate the details-- they look really plain on that milky gray plastic. His articulation is also great-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), hips (at two points), and knees. And given his lack of kibble, he can take quite a few good poses. What I don't understand, though, is why only one of his fists has a hold in it to hold Nightstick in gun mode. It makes no sense-- it's not like it takes more plastic to drill a hole in the other hand, it actually takes less. Cyclonus' hand scan fold in at the wrists and Nightstick can be mounted on the front of the hand-stubs on either arm, though, which is pretty cool-- sorta like he's "direct-linking" to Cyclonus' energy.
    Universe 2.0 Cyclonus is an excellent mold with a nice color scheme, no doubt, but I don't think it deserves quite the "toy of the year!" accolades it's gotten. The robot mode is nearly flawless, granted, and Nightstick is a great little extra, but the main body of his jet mode just isn't nearly solid enough (not to mention things need to lock into place better back there). Still highly recommended, though.

Cyclonus w/ Nightstick Bio:
Constructed from the cast-off chassis of deactivated Decepticon warriors, Cyclonus was programmed by Unicron to be loyal only to Galvatron. Powered by nuclear engines, and a small fragment of his creator's supernatural power, Cyclonus wields enough might to sterilize the surface of an inhabited world by himself. He never unleashes this power without his commander's leave, however, and he focuses all of his energy on ensuring that Galvatron is obeyed without question by those under his command.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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