Rodimus (Universe 2.0)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately dull red, black, and some light yellow, metallic purplish black, pale metallic orange, silver, and light sky blue
Rating: 7.4

    Rodimus is back with another toy-- this time a Legends-class toy. Design-wise, Rodimus' vehicle mode is pretty good this time around. There's no robot mode extras whatsoever, and there's not a lot of obvious gaps in the vehicle mode that make it an eyesore or anything. All of the necessary details are there, such as the headlights, tailights, etc.-- but JUST those details. He almost looks Animated-esque in this mode because of this. What also contributes to this feeling is that, quite frankly, Rodimus is a bit "wide" for a sportscar, especially when you compare him to previous toys of the character. It doesn't look sleek enough for the character. Honestly, if it wasn't for the paint job and the spoiler, I wouldn't think it was Rodimus at all-- which is certainly something worth pointing out for a mold designs specifically TO evoke past versions of the character. As far as paint apps go, the purple-black windows are a nice, unusual touch, and contrast quite well with the red. Same with the black (though it's more apparent in robot mode than vehicle mode). The flame deco paint apps are also well-done, though they could stand to be a bit more widespread. I'm not fond of the metallic orange used for the spoiler, though-- it's too close to the orange under most lights, to the point where I wish they would've used that paint app somewhere else (or at least in another color).
    Rodimus definitely evokes more of his classic look in robot mode, with the overall structure being very similar to past versions-- spoiler behind the head, shoulders made out of the sides of the car mode, and the front car hood w/ flames being used for the chest. The head sculpt is also quite well-done and spot-on Rodimus, as well. The major problem I have with this mode is that Rodimus isn't very posable, even for a Legends figure-- he can move at the hips and at two points at the shoulders, but that's it. At least knee articulation would've helped things immensely. He also has a bit of a noticeable gap between the bottom of his chest and his waist, which looks odd, and the roof of his car mode sticks out from behind his main body and kinda ruins its "sleekness". Beyond these two caveats, though when it comes to looks this mode's pretty good.
    Universe 2.0 Legends Rodimus is one of the few Legends figures that I have more problems with in vehicle mode compared to robot mode. Rodimus' robot mode does have a few articulation problems and noticeable gap at the waist, but his vehicle mode looks way too "chubby" and undetailed for his character, even considering the limitations of the Legends-class scale. He's not bad by any means, but there are several Universe 2.0 Legends figures I'd recommend before this guy.

Rodimus Tech Specs:
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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