Warpath (Universe 2.0)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Red, light chalky gray, black, and silver, and dull pale yellowish orange
Rating: 6.8

    BAM! KA-ZOWIE! The most well-known Autobot tank finally gets a "do-over" as a Legends figure. Unlike pretty much every other Universe 2.0 Legends figure, though, Warpath's vehicle mode is rather weak. It's definitely recognizable as a tank, what the turret, the intricate mold detailing with armor plating, rivets, tread-wheels, and all that molded in very well into the core figure. The color scheme is also classic Warpath-- the red, light gray, and black go together well, though I wouldn't exactly call it a particuarly eye-catching or original color layout. (There's large areas of the vehicle mode that are completely unpainted red plastic, and given all the mold detailing, that's a bit of a shame.) The vehicle mode itself, is pretty lame. There's a wide-open space at the front of the tank, while the BACK part is solid and actually has less mass than the front end. Because of this, it makes one wonder if the turret is actually pointed in the wrong direction-- why such a big visible gap in the front, and not in the back (granted, I'd rather not have a gap in vehicle mode AT ALL, but if you're gonna do it do in a place that isn't as visible and central to the overall look of the mode). This could be solved by simply rotating the turret around, but it can't-- it's stuck in place, unfortunately. The "nozzle" can move up and down, but that's it. The robot fists are also quite visible on the front of the mode, though otherwise no real robot mode extras can be seen in this mode.
    Warpath's robot mode, on the other hand, is DEFINITELY what the designers focused on. His proportions are pretty much prefect-- he's got beefy upper arms and an appropriately-sized chest and legs, and nothing looks too much like it's just "molded onto the inside" of vehicle mode parts, as is the case with most other Legends figures. I particularly like how, during the transformation, his head flips up to make room for the turret's "nozzle" to retract into the chest, thus giving Warpath the classic G1 look of having his cannon coming out of his chest without having it stick out ludicrously far. His headsculpt is dead-on G1 accurate, though his paint apps are, again, unimpressive-- he really could use some more paint on his head, waist, and the front of his legs, in particular. Warpath's articulation is about what you'd expect from a Legends figure-- he can move at the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees, with the the shoulders and hips on ball joints. Hardly impressive, but not bad, either. However, it should be noted that the knees have limited movement because of the vehicle parts flipped behind the lower legs-- however, I prefer this compared to having those vehicle parts folded out next to his lower legs, thus making his lower legs look overly bulky and making him less stable to boot.
    Universe 2.0 Warpath is an excellent figure in robot mode and a great homage to the G1 character, but his tank mode falls short in several areas-- the unsightly gap in the front, the immovable turret, the lack of enough paint apps, and the "backwards" look of the mode, to be specific. You can certainly do far worse when it comes to Legends, but he's one of the "Minibots redux" that I'd recommend the least.

Warpath Tech Specs:
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 2.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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