Autobot Wheelie (Universe 2.0)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Series: Classic/Generation One
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light orange, light chalky gray, and some red, dull yellow, moderately dark orange, pale light sky blue, chalky aquamarine
Rating: 7.6

    Wheelie, of all 'bots, is back. One of the most annoying characters of all Transformersdom is back for a new toy. Whoda thunk? Well, regardless, his vehicle mode looks pretty spot-on to his G1 version, but "updated" a bit with slightly less futuristic proportions so that it looks more like a genuine sportscar. The front is less streamlined and more realistic-looking, and I do like the little spoiler on the back end, it gives Wheelie some individuality in this mode. It's still rather rounded, though, and the light orange/gray color scheme is still there, for better or worse. (Worse, in my opinion-- those colors are both rather light and just don't contrast well with each other at all.) The couple of accent colors-- like the dark orange and red-- work well against the main colors, though, and there's a fair amount of accent colors on the toy-- the rear window isn't painted, though, which is a bit of an oversight. There's no robot mode extras in this mode at all, so no worries there.
    Wheelie's robot mode is surprisingly good, especially when compared to his hideous G1 toy's robot mode. It's far more G1-cartoon-accurate than the actual G1 toy! His proportions are pretty spot-on-- the only major caveat is that his arms are merely molded onto the sides of the sides of the car mode, though this is an unfortunate side effect of being in the Legends size class. Other than that, there are no major extras in this mode that don't fit in with the overall silouhette of the toy's look. His legs are quite well-done, with little flip-out feet so he doesn't just have solid hunks of car for feet. The face sculpt is particularly well-done, with Wheelie looking a little sad, to be honest (because he's the whipping boy of the Transformers brand?). Classic. And even though it's only a Legends class figure and thus doesn't come with any weapons, the sculpters didn't forget Wheelie's trademark slingshot-- it's molded into his right upper shoulder piece. Wheelie's articulation is rather sub-par even for a Legends figure, though-- he can only move at the shoulders (at two points), the hips, and slightly at the ankles due to the transformation. Unfortunately, his knees can't bend backwards, which is a bit of an oversight.
    Universe 2.0 Wheelie is a pretty good toy for the size class, his only major downsides being that he isn't very articulated and his color scheme is too loud. As a representation of the character, though, and for the size class, he's quite excellent. Mildly recommended.

Autobot Wheelie Tech Specs:
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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