Depthcharge (Universe)
Beast ModeVehicular ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Ultra
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Off-white, dark green-blue, black, dull brick red, and some metallic silver, light orange, light red, and periwinkle
Rating: 8.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Beast Wars Depth Charge. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Beast Wars Depth Charge here.)

    Depthcharge's (apparently his name is just one word now) color scheme, if taken as a WHOLE, is not quite as fitting for an aquamarine animal as Beast Wars Depth Charge's was. The blue, silver, and purple on the original seemed to go absolutely beautifully with a manta ray and blend him in well with the ocean. Of course, Universe is not at all known for its realistic color schemes, but rather its surreal, outrageous- and yet astoundingly beautiful- schemes. Universe Depthcharge is a perfect example of this. The off-white, red, and dark green-blue would probably look prototypish and ugly on most Transformers, but Depthcharge manages to pull it off. Why? His almost absurd amount of paint apps. His wings are the most obvious, so let's start there. He already has enough red, blue-green, and silver paint apps on there, but when you add in the light orange highlights and the wonderful smoke-like "energon radiation" patterns on his back fins- and on BOTH sides of them, I might add- it simply becomes the highlight of the toy. It's hard to pry your eyes away from it to look at the actual robot. Once you do, however, he still looks nice. The tattoo-like pattern on Depthcharge's fish gun looks almost like an oriental manuscript for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, and there's a nice red paint deco pattern on his face as well. In exchange, his arms don't have any paint apps on them at all, but by this point you really don't care. Now, for a few minor complaints- first off, the Autobot symbol in the middle of Depthcharge's forehead in beast mode looks a bit dumb. Also, they never removed the Maximal symbols on the backside of his fins, even though he's an Autobot now. And finally, his chrome parts- rather than just being remolded into regular plastic like the other Universe toys that were originally Transmetal/Transmetal 2 toys- are just painted over with black, and have chrome underneath. Normally I wouldn't mind this, but if you aren't too careful, the black paint can start to wear away over time, and having little bits of silver chrome show up here and there looks ugly. I'm not sure why Hasbro did this, as it seems a needless expense- the only thing I can come up with is that maybe it has something to do with plastic tolerances.
    Depthcharge has a few minor mold changes- the tail of his shark gun can now be removed for some reason I can't fathom, and the disks he fires out of his chest don't have notches in them anymore, since the launcher itself has had its notches removed. Other than that, he is the same mold-wise.
    Depthcharge's color scheme may not be as fitting as his predecessor's, but it certainly is more eye-catching. Recommended if you like pretty colors- he makes a very nice display piece, especially in beast mode.

Depthcharge Bio:
MOTTO: "Follow my orders or get out of my face!"
Brought back from the other side of the Matrix by Primus and Optimus Primal, Depthcharge knew his role in the upcoming war against the monster planet, Unicron, had only just begun. Having finally dispatched his longtime adversary, Protoform X (known as Rampage during the Beast Wars), this solemn, no-nonsense warrior immediately volunteered to assist King Atlas in operating and maintaining a refugee network within the monster planet himself. Depthcharge demands nothing less than perfection from his comrades. Anything less is unsatisfactory in his eyes and he has no problem letting any lazy Autobot know about it! His fusion-powered cybershark drone conducts recon missions and doubles as a reinforcement in battle. It can also covert into a hand-held blaster, firing dual quantum torpedoes. Depthcharge's beast form is optimized for underwater combat and can withstand the deepest oceanic pressures. Offensive weaponry in this form includes his drone and an ionic launcher mounted on the forward section of his manta ray mode. His intermediate space-cruiser form can maintain planetary orbit for brief periods of time. In robot mode, he launches ionic discs from his chest and wields an Energo-cutlass for hand-to-hand combat. Defensively, his wings can double as shields against most energy-based beams and missiles. Can also act as solar converters to store energy for prolonged missions in the ocean depths. Although Depthcharge is a skilled warrior in any situation, his abilities underneath the waves is second to none.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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