Wolfsbane (Normal)Wolfsbane (Costume)

Real Name: Rahne Sinclair

Mutant Power: Ability to morph into a wolf, or "stop halfway" through the morph and become a wolf/human creature

Voice Actor: Chantal Strand

First Appearance: "Growing Pains"

Wolfsbane (Wolf form)Wolfsbane (Werewolf Form)

Back Story: Wolfsbane is given no back story in the show. She's simply "there" with the rest of the New Mutants in the second season opener "Growing Pains". Unfortunately, before she could be characterized much, she was taken out of the picture in the early third season episode "Mainstream". Her parents forced her out of the X-Men after all the hubbub that had been going on ever since Mutants were made public. However, she was in the X-Men group shot at the end of the Season 4 finale "Ascension". Given Xavier's "future" visions at the end of that episode, it's safe to say that's she's going to be with the X-Men for a while to come. No explanation for her sudden reappearance was given, though.

Personality: Wolfsbane has been the least fleshed-out of all the New Mutants. Although she's appeared in several episodes (albeit briefly), she has only actually TALKED in one ("Retreat"). Because of this, her personality isn't really revealed that much. From what I can discern, she's a rather shy, quiet, relatively innocent girl. She prefers to take a background role in most situations, and is very reluctant to have attention focused directly on her for a long period of time. She also seems a bit less confident in her abilities than most of the other X-Men. She looks like she has a bit of a crush on Sunspot, but this was barely even hinted at, so I could just be misreading things. Wolfsbane also tends to be a "to business" person, rarely playing around when there's important stuff to be done.

Final Reflections: I really would've liked more focus on Rahne than in just "Retreat". She really needed an episode to herself, if only because it would be interesting to see how her powers affected her behavior. (It really would've been a hoot to see her scratching her ear with her foot or something when she was in human form, heh.) It also would've been interesting to see how she behaved when she first discovered her powers. Hmm....

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