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Chedraqis is spoken in Qenar, Avrezin, and most parts of Bereshen and Sorevv. Written: an alphabetic system (the major system) and an ideographic system used in formal or religious documents, especially in Avrezin. The same ideographic system is used in Sorevv (think: Chinese, though Sorevv's "dialect" is related to Qenaren/Ezinen Chedraqis roughly as per Afrikaans to Deutsch). Oh, and if you think that's bad, look at Japanese (Nihongo): two syllabaries (katakana and hirakana), one Romanized system (that works pretty well for a language that has NO connections with Latin, the Western world, or indeed, anything but possibly Korean and the Altaic languages), *and* ideographs (kanji). Mijera is spoken in most parts of the Summersea. It's unknown on the mainland, except in ports. I'm patterning the grammatical structure after Korean (Hangul) and Japanese (Nihongo), though I think I'll throw in a case system as well, among other distortions. Tiesh is spoken in the northern realms of the Diresands, but the desert is home to many tongues. Qenaren from Harava tend to be fluent in Tiesh. In general, if two countries/regions are in close proximity, they probably share a trade-tongue at least. Most people know a trade-tongue or two along with their native tongue. |