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Note: I apologize to those used to SI units. Due to a flaw in my education I can think in SI units for everything but people-height and people-weight. :-/

Harava and the Diresands
Summersea Islands


Generally Qenaren are small--rarely taller than 5'10" for males, 5'6" or 5'8" for females. Hair is black or dark brown, straight. Eyes are any color. Skin is pale or fair.

Mixed-blood with Bereshi: Tendency toward swarthier skin, curlier hair, usually black. Eyes tend toward brown or hazel.

Mixed-blood with Haravai/desert folk: Tendency toward bronzed skin and black hair, straight. Eyes can go either way but move toward very dark brown. Desert folk are taller and mixed-bloods also can be tall in this fashion.

Mixed-blood with Ezinen: Difficult to tell the difference, though lighter hair color is sometimes a cue.

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Generally a bit shorter than Qenaren. Swarthy-to-dark skin, curly black hair, brown or hazel eyes.

Mixed-blood with Qenaren: See Qenar, above.

Mixed-blood with Summersea islander: Skin tends to go lighter, swarthy to golden. Eyes usually brown or hazel, but can show other colors. Tendency toward greater height and less-curly hair, though still black.

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Harava and the Diresands

A tall, rawboned people: males around 6'2" or so, females 5'10" or so. Straight black hair, eyes ranging from brown to hazel to muddy greens and greys. Bronzed or tawny skin.

Mixed-blood with Qenaren: see Qenar, above.

Mixed-blood with other: Who knows what lands lie south of the desert?

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Somewhat taller than the Qenaren, but still not tall per se. Hair ranges from reddish brown to black; blond occurs but is rare. Eyes range through the spectrum, although green is rare.

Mixed-blood with Qenaren: see Qenar, above.

Mixed-blood with Bereshi:Doesn't often happen. Darker skin, curlier hair (though it might still be light-toned), eyes tend toward brown or hazel.

Mixed-blood with Summersea islander:Height generally greater, with golden-toned skin and dark hair. Eyes vary.

Mixed-blood with others from the west:Who knows? :-) (I'm leaving this open. Heaven forbid I use up all the phenotypes.)

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Summersea Islands

A tallish, willowy folk. Golden-skinned, straight black hair. Blue, green and grey eyes are common.

Mixed-blood with Ezinen: See Avrezin, above.

Mixed-blood with Bereshi: See Bereshen, above.

Mixed-blood with Qenaren: Get real. Qenar's landlocked. ;-)

Mixed-blood with others: Who knows where the islanders rove in their ships?

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I'm leaving this open. :-p

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