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There are three types of applications: Those for Feature Characters, those for Toy Characters, and those for Original Characters.

Feature Characters are those created on the show and essential for the MUSH. Optimus Primal is an FC. LioConvoy and Galvatron, Japanese Command characters, are also FC's for the purpose of applying, as are other CoC characters from Japan.

Toy Characters are those with no specific background, other than the toys themselves. Wolfang and Grimlock are TC's. Break, Rockbuster, and Saberback, non-CoC characters from Japan, are considered TC's for applying. TC's are based on the toys, but you, the apper, decide on their personality. you can base it on their note, or you can make it completely different. TC's are generally good for players without much experience.

Original Characters are those created by players, who have never existed on the TV show or in the toy line.

Cont'd in News FC, News TC, and News OC.
