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"Woof woof," said the dog.


Home Up

Aaron Daniel (a.k.a. Aarbag)

Vital Statistics:

Aaron is the third child of Claude & Patricia.  He was born on April 30 (TAX DAY!!!), which makes him a Taurus (e.g., a stubborn and greedy bull).

Aaron has ten fingers and ten toes.

Favourite Things:

Aaron likes to play hockey, and, like his sister Ashley, he is a big fan of Pokémon and Digimon.

Aaron's has several favourite TV shows, including The Simpsons, Pokémon, and Understanding the Thermodynamics of Global Warming.

Aaron likes animals very much.  When Aaron was very young, he once got lost at the zoo.  His parents couldn't find him for three days!  Fortunately, a friendly monkey had adopted him.  (Unfortunately, the monkey didn't change diapers - the stench was legendary.)  Here is a picture of Aaron with his adoptive mother.

This is why Aaron is sometimes known as "Monkey Boy".

Aaron is always interested in learning new things, and he has recently learned about "osmosis", and is now busy applying it to his everyday life.  You would be surprised how much time you can save by osmosifying.

When Aaron grows up, he wants to be a astronaut.  Here is a picture he drew of himself (with me!) as an intrepid space explorer, zipping around the galaxies, lending a helping hand wherever he's needed...

(Nice outfit, Aaron.)

He's going to boldly go where...  yeah, yeah, you know the rest.



If you ask Aaron what his best feature is, he will say, "Stop asking me that!!!”

Things to Know About Aaron:

There is nothing else you need to know about Aaron.


Relevant Aaron-Related Links:





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This page was last updated on 01/08/04.