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"Woof woof," said the dog.


Home Up

Vital Statistics:  Joseph is the third child of Dan & Frances.

He was born on July 9.  That makes him a Cancer (e.g., a sideways-scuttling, sentimental sap).

Joseph has brown hair, and he wears glasses.  Joseph is the tallest member of the family.  (Look, that's me next to Joseph!)

Favorite Things:  Joseph likes to collect things, and he likes science fiction and action movies.  In his spare time, he likes to go for coffee and smoke cigarettes.  His favorite movie (aside from Commando) is Waiting to Exhale.  His favorite TV show is Thundarr the Barbarian and he is one of very few people who remember that the Chewbacca-ripoff sidekick on the show was named “Ookla”.  Joseph has memorized all sorts of obscure trivia.  If you ask Joseph what his best feature is, he will say, “My sturdy knees.”

Things to Know About Joseph: 

Joseph is a great movie buff and a fan of Battlefield Earth.  He has written numerous letters to John Travolta pitching a musical version of the film (which he would personally write and star in), and can often be heard humming the theme music and re-enacting his favorite "slo-mo" moments from the movie.  Hopefully, someday Joe will fulfill his dream of bringing Singing Battlefield Earth to Broadway theatres!

You may or may not know this, but Joe was the original star of the film Commando!  However, due to a sudden attack of laryngitis and the resulting post-traumatic stress, Joe was forced to step out of the film.  A rare original photo of Joe-mando is shown here!

Even though he was edited out of all the scenes, Joe still insists that Commando is still one of the ten best films ever made.


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This page was last updated on 12/16/03.