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"Woof woof," said the dog.


Home Up

Mark Alvin (a.k.a. Marcus Vinnicius).

Vital Statistics:

Mark is the first child of Claude & Patricia.  He was born on January 7, which makes him a Capricorn.

He was supposed to be a Christmas baby, but he didn't arrive, and then he was supposed to be a New Year's Baby, but that date didn't agree with him either.  If they hadn't dragged him out of the womb, kicking and screaming, chances are we'd still be waiting.

Mark was the second-last person in his class to graduate from Grade 8, but is now in high school and taking "How to Cross the Street Without Being Hit By Cars 101".

Favourite Things:

People are often asking Mark, "what planet are you from?"  This is not a facetious question.  There are a lot of people who legitimately believe that Mark is some kind of space alien.  When he was a child, he had a phobia of space aliens - he was afraid that they were going to take him back to his home planet.

Now, however, he's reconciled himself to the idea.  NASA discovered that he was plotting to sell Earth to the highest bidder (he posted this picture on Inter-GalacticBay, the Inter-galactic online auction site).

Note: The United Nations has filed a protest stating that he is not authorized to make this sale, but as of yet, there has been no response from InterGalacticBay.  If aliens come take over the world, you know who to blame.

When not planning to subjugate the Earth, Mark spends his time listening to the Arrogant Worms, and he has one of the world's largest illegally gotten collection of their songs.  His favorite song is Me Like Hockey, because, as he puts it "me like hockey too!"

In his spare time, Mark likes to play hockey (duh).

In his non-hockey time, you will find Mark playing games on the computer, lying in front of the TV, and thinking about playing hockey.  His favourite TV shows are The Simpsons and Hockey Night in Canada.  His favourite movie is that weird Japanese Godzilla film, where Godzilla is staring in the top floor of the building, and then roasts the guy who tried to save him before.  Only Mark can understand why this is good film-making.

When Mark grows up, he wants to be a burden to society.  I think he's well on his way.

If you ask Mark what his best feature is, he will say, “Wha..?  Huh?  Me like hockey...”

Things to Know About Mark:

There is nothing else you need to know about Mark.  The entire essence of his being has been crammed onto this tiny little web page.  Now you know everything there is to know about him.

Relevant Mark-Related Links

Worm Songs

He Like Hockey!

More Hockey


This page was last updated on 01/07/04.