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"Woof woof," said the dog.


Home Up

Ryan Claude

Vital Statistics:

Ryan is the fourth (and so far, the final) child of Claude & Patricia.  He was born on June 16, which makes him a Gemini (e.g., a sociable, gregarious person afflicted with multiple-personalities - in other words, they have an evil twin built in!).  Ryan has brown hair and eyebrows.  He can perambulate on his own.

Favourite Things:

Ryan loves car racing, horse racing, dog racing, people racing.  He is also a big fan of SuperStore.  Ryan does NOT like it when people turn off the television or video games, or drive by SuperStore without going in.  He is also highly suspicious of the SuperStore in Calgary, as he is not sure it is a real SuperStore.

Ryan likes to climb on top of his brothers and sister, turn lights off and on, and hover around the computer.

One of Ryan's favourite TV shows is Teletubbies.  Other than that, he's not picky, as long as it involves cars.

If you ask Ryan what his best feature is, he will say, "Eeee eee eee!!!" (which translates to "my strong vocal cords").

Things to Know About Ryan:

Ryan does not like the word "No".  If you say it to him, he will probably try to:

A) Pull down his pants.

B) Pull down YOUR pants.

C) Throw the cranberry sauce on the floor.

Ryan Links

Car Racing



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This page was last updated on 12/17/03.