Good & Evil
I'm real excited about this page, i love to talk about stuff i'm really into. This subject came up with a fellow Taurus i just met. You see, i have a obsession with balance. If there was a meeting that people like me could attend, i would. I'd probably be the President of that club... I love evil stuff mostly, but a trademark of Taurus' is the balance thing. Its like i would freak out if someone tried to tell me that there's a God, but no Satan. That's horseshit! Who do you think tried to take over heaven, but God kicked him in the balls, and threw him out. That was so unfair! If God made us, and is all knowing, then wouldn't he know that that was gonna happen? Why'd he even create Satan? I'm gonna stop right here, before i fly off the handle and start preaching. I hate it when people do that, heh heh... Anyways, so balance is kinda like a circle. You have half and half, but you have to understand that you need a positive and a negative in order for the circle to be complete. Kinda like man and woman, opposites. I still haven't came to any conclusions about dating and how opposites can attract, i don't see how that can be true... Damnit! I always do this! I get off subject because there's so much on my mind right now. I'll try to not slip up again, but i'm not promising anything. So back to balance... if i was evil all the time, i'd probably be gothic... *Insert pic of evilfae all in black saying "I am so dead"* But instead i like good stuff too like fairies and Bloodhound Gang. See? Now you're starting to learn more about me, i dunno if that's so good anmore... f*ck it. Man, Little Nicky is so stuck in my head, that movie was friggin awesome! I suggest that anyone that is either a Taurus or a badass metal head go see it. My dad is in it, towards the end... you'll know who he is when he shows up just think now who would be evilfae's father??? hmmmm... Oh fer f*ck's sakes! I did it again, you guys are gonna have to bare with me through this rough time, i'm feelin a little crazy tonite... Balance is everywhere, and i'm proud to say that i am addicted to it, i crave the balance, i neeeeed the balance, it complete's me... Do you think it's just a Taurus thing? Maybe, i've only discussed it with one fellow Taurus, idea! I'm gonna do research on this subject... i'll update this when i get that info. In closing, i will keep this as short as possible:
"I sold my soul to rock and roll and that's who's getting it when i die"