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Welcome To My Hideaway

Hello! my name is Sally, and i'll be your host for the evening...
Please come in and stay awhile, we love the company.
*evil laugh* bwahHAHAHAHA! (*_*)

Welcome to my creation, this is mine, all mine!.
*Giggle* By the way, my name's Evilfae, won't you come out and play?

October, i think... Hola tricksters, i've decided that no one will make me leave my domain. Enemies will no longer exist because i will no longer give them the attention they desire. Therefore eventually they'll have to fade out of my life. And if my enemies still travel here, let them stay awhile unseen & unheard, i just don't care anymore... That's all i'll speak of on that matter, no mas. *smiles* On a brighter note, i'm making a new slayahhhhh!!! *ahem* a new Slayer page, love em of course and they'll be comming to houston soon so of course i'm excited. Did you know that Slayer has the most deaths in their pits? Sure do... well it's time for this ragdoll to get ta steppin, sleep is for the dead you know...

July 2nd 2003
Hello- ello... what's this? ahhhhh... good to be home. I haven't been here in a while, sally feels the same way. She actually moved us to a NEW Hideaway, a place where we can be left alone in peace. She picked a good spot, but his feels so comforting, being in my 1st hideaway. I know no one comes here, i don't even anymore... but i don't care, i'm the reasonable one, i think... Where was i? Oh yes, new shit, well i'll tell you this, if you find my 2nd hideaway, then we'll meet again, if you don't... then goodbye. I wish everyone the best, but it's time to go live life, move on. I think i'll still come here, make this my personal web page dedicated to comic books or something, definately... wait maybe music??? hmmm, well i'll keep you posted chico/a. Email if you have any comments, or questions...

Past Updates

okay, that's it! I'm sick of it, of everything! I'm sick of these people that underestimate me, and i'm fu*king sick of putting up with their sh*t. I'm not stupid, i can take care of myself, and i can definately stop being nice about it. I've been ran over and now everyone shall see the wrath that is me. So f*ck you if you don't like my dreads, or my peircings, you can die. And if you don't like them then don't look at me, and stay the f*ck away from me... *screaming*... I'm done... i give up...

-I Sally put this here, as a reminder to Evilfae that she needs to stick to what she feels, if you don't like someone giving you crap, don't take it, f*uck em...

Below Are All My Pages

My Friends
Stuff About Me
Nightmare Before Christmas
Read This: What The Hell?
Local Bands
Enlighten Me , Please
Did you vote?
My Rain Story
Craptastic Poems
Legalize It

The Best Bands Of All Time

Pantera Page
Soulfly Page
Blood Hound Gang
Coal Chamber
Fear Factory

Pointless Pages I Made To Amuse Myself...

Balance: Good & Evil
I Am Satan
Dictionary for Misused Words
The Adventures of the X-Crew
My Conversation With A Jugalo
Jokes & Stuff
The Truth

Spooky Stuff

Sailor Moon Pics and Other Stuff

My Favorite Comic Book Characters

viewer's discretion is advised for the young eyes on this page... these chicks are H-O-T hot...

Mail Me.

You know what... the guest book has become an instrument for my enemies to have a voice on my website, f*ck that, eat a dick natalie, and choke on it...

Everyone wondered what i looked like as a baby...