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Do I look Fine To You? Do I Seem Alright To You?

Coal Chamber is too awesome... Not too many people know how Caol Chamber was to become who they are today. Well here's a pretty little piece of info... I'm taking you back to the year 1994, when Coal Chamber was "underground". This is the year they came together to form Coal Chamber. They played in clubs, did all the normal stuff any band would do to get noticed, but nothing came from it. Then in 1995, Dino from Fear Factory, heard Coal Chamber and immediately tried to help them out. What a bunch of nice guys, right? Well Fear Factory is on Roadrunner Records (all hail Roadrunner, at least around here we do)so that's who they went to. Roadrunner's very own Monte Conner immediately offered them a deal no one could refuse. Sorry, i had to throw that in, it sounded so stupid... anyways once again, Black Sabbath is mentioned. They really do sound like a murkier Sabbath. Coal Chamber went on from 1995 and came out with this self titled album "Coal Chamber"
Well that album did very well. And thank GOD this band never sold out to M.T.V. because i probably would've cried. They decided to pull out all the stops and make a buzz through their live show instead. I still remember the first time i saw Coal Chamber. That day i was inspired to play bass but it was subconsciencly because of my fear of failure. Now i'm glad to say that i have overcome that fear and everythings all good thanx to two people. The second person i thank is Rayna, the first shall remain nameless but he knows who he is :) ... Anyways back to the band. They toured and toured and one day... BAM! Sharon Osbourne sees them on Ozzfest and immediately takes a shine to them. So did my dad, Ozzy. They took Coal Chamber under their wings and treated them like godchildren. They always call each other for ideas to songs and whatnot, real cool. Well Coal Chamber decided it'd be kewl id Ozzy did guest vocals on "Shock the Monkey" a Peter Gabriel cover song, they then put that on the new album and cleverly titled it "Chamber Music"

So that's that, Coal Chamber has come a long way since 1994, when they got started. This part of my page got deleted damnit, i had some cool stuff to say about them too. Oh well, when i remember what it was about, i'll rewrite this. Here's some cool stuff i found, my favorite pictures of the band and a comic i found...
Coal Chamber Pictures
Coal Chamber Comic Strip