Okay, this is my baby, my band that doesn't exist anymore, yet we still strive to keep the dream alive... you follow me? And I figure as long as i'm on the subject, I might as well bring up ReAcH. We've had some problems with getting together and practicing lately but that's becasue we've moved on to "bigger & better things", like a new cooler band that's heavier... but i can't tell you the name of that band because its on a need to know basis and right now you don't need to know... Bwahaha! Just kidding, actually we don't know if our really-awesome-metal-band-name is taken and copyrighted by now. But let's focus back on the dream that was ReAcH, shall we? we'll we were together for how long L7? At least a year. We won the Pearland Battle of the Bands two years in a row. Actually, the old Reach, Sideshow Girl won the first year, but reach is basically the same bad. Only they have different names. Anyways, ReAcH consisted of four back then... Jennifer Davis (badass chick guitarist, every band needs one), Jay Moore (crazy motherfucker, guitarist, he's pimpadelic), Alex Garza (The Big Green Maachine, bassist), and Jill Gray (tiny evil lookin ginger spice, but she swears she got the hairstyle color from Rogue, lead vocalist). ReAcH was lookin for a drummer, a bad ass motherfucker who could tear it up tribal style... but no one stepped up to the plate... hahaha that was funny... If you are that badass motherfucker, or know someone who was willing to be that bad ass motehr fucker, you missed out, but thanx for paving the way fo my new band *wink, wink*. For those of you who are retarded, and want to e-mail the lead singer of the band but can't figure out how, i say this: Oh geeze, click the fuckin e-mail button, it's blue! See it eight lines down??? Yeah, that's it... Go back to school chump. For those of you who wanted to e-mail her and you clicked the email button eight lines up i say this: At least there's still some smart people left in the world, now i don't fear human kind's future as much anymore, thanx homie! I'll keep you Halloweentowners up to date on if these cats will have any up comming shows or anything... *mummbles* i doubt they will... just check back when hell freezes over... (*_*) Sally was here...
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