My Mind Is Haunted, My Life Is Hunted, By THEM

Okay, this one's for all you spooksters out there. You wanted to read about scary stuff, well you got it. Let's just get on with it, shall we? Ghosts and spirits have been around since humankind existed. But most of the time ghosts come around because they had a violent death, or if they were traumatized in a certain place. And trust me, if they were traumatized in a certain place, they probably will haunt it after they pass on. Let me throw in some visuals to get you in the haunting spirit.

This is a ghost, its transparent because it's merely energy. Not too many people see them. Enter visual image in head... "I see dead people"...hmmm, Sixth Sense? Well actually a sixth sense is involed if you're dealing with spirits. Now, the reason why they're called spirits, boys and girls, is because that is a soul. It's been around for ages, and probably will stay around for more as the years pass.
Have i ever encountered them you ask? Ha ha ha ha! I laugh at such a silly question! Does the pope crap in the woods like everyone else? Yes! He is a normal human being, like us after all! Anyways, i guess this is my cue to tell you my scary story? *sigh* Okay, pull up a chair and be prepared for anything i say. Deal? Right on, click on the "Scary Story" words below for the story, to continue on with ghosts in general, just scroll down.
Scary Story
Okay, back to the ghosts... there are thousands of cases where ghosts have been found haunting houses that some new couple has moved into. The house was so cheap that the buyers didn't even care to ask the landlord why he was going so low on the price. The second clue to let you know that you're house is haunted is if your landlord won't even step foot in the house to fix a leaky faucet. This is why i'll be a demonologist. I can go to your house take a look around, say some mumbo jumbo, and then tell you if you got a ghost on your hands. This will be printed on my business card: "I'll tell you if you got a ghost or not, if you do, you'd better get the fuck out." And i'll be on there smiling with my right hand out in the gun position. Wanna hire me? Email me and i can help you with your ghost problems. Back to the point, there are reasons as to why the ghosts are living in your house. Spirits get attached to a certain object, like antique furniture, and they'll stay with it until they're releived of their post and can continue on with their journey. In one true story that i've came across, a family had just moved into a new home. They were there several months before anything happened. Then, one day, two of the family were gathering towels and putting them in the linnen closet upstairs when they heard a "hello". But this hello was far too scary, it sounded like someone was choking the woman who said it. So they ran to their landlord who told them a couple had lived there for 30 years. The husband got really mad at his wife, he strangled her, and stuffed her body in the linnen closet. So you see, her soul is now there, sucky huh?