X-Crew Adventure 1
Hello there! Won't you come in and stay a while? I have an interseting story to tell you... It's a story about craziness, insane halucinations, and eventually guns get involved. But please, i remind all of you... that this is a STORY it is fictional, in other words it is not real.
One night in a city far away, there sat five x-crew characters. They were all friends, so one night they decided to go out and party. Jubilee and Rogue had been together all day on that crazy friday. They called up Magnito and told him to meet them at Wolverine's crib, he agreed. Beast just so happen to walk by Wolverine's so he decided he wanted to visit. Wolverine told Beast of the plans of wanting to party, Beast was down. Time passes and they finally meet up at Wolverine's crib. So they chill, smoke a few boo boo bamas and eventually Rogue and Jubilee got ahold of some l.s.d. so things began to kick in. For some reason, I think the x-crew were wanting to visit Cyclops, they ended up taking a drive down the street to Cyclops's house, but he wasn't there. So they decided to visit Cyclops's older friend who just so happened to live next door to Cyclops. Are you kepping up? Okay, i'll go on. *gasps* Anyways, did i mention how incredibly fucked up the x-crew was? No? Well lemme tell ya... hee hee... Wolverine, Magnito, and Beast shared the same drunken high signs. But they were capable of keeping a conversation with anyone. And get this...*laughs*...Rogue and Jubilee were flying PAST lucy in the sky with dimands... when Magnito was driving, they kept saying "road", but they pronounced it "ro-add". And they would not shut up about it! They kept sayin it... "ro-add", "roooo-adddd"... it was funy though...*laughs*...*gasps*...*chokes*... Holy crap! I just tried to drink water while laughing, jesus... i almost drowned. Where was i? Oh yeah, so these fucked up x-crew went to Cyclop's older friend's house. I can't simplify that? F*ck! Ummm, yeah i can! We'll call him Larry, he's not down with the x-crew. So they were at Larry's right? Well as soon as they got inside the conversation turned weird. But Rogue and Jubilee had no idea because they were in their own little world, they ran to the bathroom to watch the wallpaper melt. When they finally tore themselves away from the bathroom, Larry was having a heated discussion. It seems that Beast had met Larry before. Enter scary music: dum...dum...DUMMMMMMM! And Beast had pissed Larry off, so he took his gun three weeks before and shot at him. So Larry says, "Hey, wanna re-create that moment?" Beast took one look at everyone and bolted out the door as soon as he saw what Larry was reaching for, a gun. See? I told you a gun was involved! Anyways, so the gun is out, and everyone in the x-crew splits except Rogue. She's off in her own little world remember? So she sees this gunout, but in her head it was a play gun. So she's giggling and laughing as her crew is splitin towards the truck. Larry turns towards her, she takes on quick look in his eyes and she knows who's the next target if she doesn't split soon... so she bolts, Larry tries to grab her and he rips Rogue's glove off and grabs her hand, big mistake. What? It's fiction remember? This could happen... So Larry's screaminhis head off as she's headed towards her x-crew. She jumps in the car and everyone takes a head count, everyone's here, ggod, so they get the f*ck outta there. As they race away everyone looks back for a glimpse of Larry, "For christ's sake! He's shootin at us!" They pull right, they pull left, they almost hit a ditch, but they got away from crazy Larry. *gasps* They all let out a sigh of relief as they head towards teh smokin field, they light some hellacious boo boo bamma as they laugh at what a badass story this could have been, but the narrator f*cked it all up........