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Hear to your inner Voice to create your Destiny!
The Bridge of Destiny

About man

Have you ever ask your self:

Who am I ?

From where did I come ?

Why did I come ?

Am I doing that in my life for what I came ?

Where will I go ?

Dear reader, this homepage I created in consciousness to serve, to give you inspirations and to open your mind for the everlasting, the freedom of choice and true love.
I also create this because, in the interpretations of the bible made from different persons or religious institutions, I found more differences than agreements. The only positive thing I was able to find was that, every interpreter would like to serve, and all of them believe in God. Hence, the best for is to read the bible and make our own interpretations. Then we should try to use our consciousness, free will and then we make " Self-Realization "

The only thing what we have to learn and to know is; to use our intellect and our natural talents to have a feeling of distinctions; so we are able (with our free will, and the freedom of choice) to make our own interpretations and behaviors. Every thing in the creation of God is dual. That means; "everything has his contrast".

God, His Son, the Holy Spirit and all our Souls are one!? (and particular!?) Is this sure?

Isn't so that the devils, God's own creation, are the contrast of God Him self? Isn't so that the contrast of Jesus Christ are all the souls who are never ready to carry their own burdens (sins)? Isn't so that the contrast of the Holy Spirit is Death? Isn't so that our soul finds its contrast in another Soul?

The truth is: Every thing in the creation of God is singular in his own, even the stones, the sand, the plants and every living being. Only we humans create copies from something. We try to copy everything! But every thing has his contrast. Hence in Particularity exist also duality in the form of his contrast!!! It is really only one God, one Jesus Christ and one Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is God's own manifestation as Him Self. Our Soul is therefore also particular and have no copy.

The difference between God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and our Soul is:
The three are infallible and our Souls have to find again the innocence where they come from, - to find and to live the Christ in ourselves! (Jesus is His name and He had shown us the Christ.)

for these can be seen in a new medium, the internet: The internet give us the blissful "highway" to transmit and/or to share information's.
Positive Negative Purpose
true information wrong information education
almost for free misuse development

The purpose and use of the internet can be very blissful or very dangerous, just like any thing!

It is not the internet, that is blissful or dangerous, it is our "purpose and the interpretation of using it."

Hence it is not right that somebody forbids us to give or to get information's (true or false). the right way is to learn and to recognize what is true or false, good or bad information, so we can apply them in our daily lives.

It s not so important what you do, it is more important why you do something. The purpose!!! So its maybe advantageous, before any action to ask your self: Why I do this? What is my purpose?"

I wish
you many discoveries and "plenty of joy" in "Self-Realization". [Peter]