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a sight for sore eyes....

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© 2000-2001 - Pika Pika Productions
some material on this page has been used without permission and is copyright its respective owner(s)
last edited - 11.10.02.

Thanks to:Lissa Explains It All (HTML, Java, Cgi, Css, links- a great resource), Paint Shop Pro 7 (free 30-day trial... after that you have to say goodbye or chalk up $100 =[; it's hard to learn, but once you do, it's a lot of fun!)VCW VicMan's Photo Editor 5.68 (completely free, user-friendly, with a lot of the same effects as psp, but it's impossible to creat collage wallpaper like you can with psp) Bravenet (guestbooks, counters, feedback forms, web-based chat rooms for your page...you name it), Angelfire (up to 50 mb of free webspace, and lots of cool image gallerys, html guides, etc) They're all great resources for web-page building!!

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