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  PRESET, PSET Statements

  PRESET [STEP] (x!,y!) [,color%]
  PSET [STEP] (x!,y!) [,color%]
      o STEP       Specifies that the x! and y! are expressed relative
                   to the current graphics cursor location.
      o (x!,y!)    The screen coordinates of the pixel to be set.
      o color%     A color attribute that sets the pixel color. If color% is
                   omitted, PRESET uses the current background and PSET uses
                   the current foreground color.
      o Available color attributes depend on your graphics adapter and screen
        mode. Coordinate values depend on the graphics adapter, screen mode,
        and most recent VIEW and WINDOW statements.

  PRESET, PSET Statements
  Draw a specified point on the screen.

      'This example requires a color graphics adapter.
      SCREEN 1
      FOR i% = 0 TO 320
          PSET (i%, 100)
          FOR delay% = 1 TO 100: NEXT delay%
          PRESET (i%, 100)
      NEXT i%

  SCREEN Statement VIEW WINDOW Color Attributes Screen Modes