Amazingly, this is a fanfic I'm actually proud of! "Til Donny Do us Part" is my own interpretation of how the Season 7 finale might have ended. I started it two mornings after the episode (by which time I'd watched it about 15 times and memorised it!), and one week later it was finished. It's amazing what desperation will do to a person.
When I started to type it up, I started editing... and the damn thing just grew and grew and GREW! Needless to say, at this stage, I am NOT looking forward to reformatting it with html (yes, I know, I could just upload, but I've got to complain about something, right? And it gives me a sense of achievement.) I think it stands at 15 pages when printed. I'll be doing it a page per scene, because to read the whole thing in one go is not a good idea. There's lots of ramble, lots of stage directions, and lots and LOTS of shippy bits... don't be put off, though, because strangely some of the stuff I came up with actually appeared in the real episode. I truly AM psychic!
So, basic plot gist - after Daphne flees her wedding with Niles, I take over, and they don't get very far... but after a lot of tears, emotional stress, angst, arguments and propositions ;), there's a happy ending... Aww. Still interested?
Finally, before you go in... the one which isn't up yet is the sequel. I've written about half, so I have no idea when it'll be done, just bear with me. While "TDDUP" is a D/N fic, the as yet untitled sequel is a Roz/Frasier fic, just to wrap the whole thing up in a nice package with a bow on top!
Right, enough ramble! Onwards into my possessed mind!
"Til Donny Do Us Part"