Well, basically, it's a comedy. (Although apparently that's debateable, and most people I've subjected to it seem to think otherwise) It only hit British shores on satellite television which is why most people have never heard of it. Basic plot gist is that a rich widower and Broadway producer (Maxwell Sheffield) lives with his three children (Maggie, Brighton and Gracie) in a mansion in New York. Oh, and he's English, just to clear that up. There's also Fran Fine, a Jewish, nasal New Yorker, who works in her fiancé's bridal shop until he kicks her out. (For completist's sake, he's called Danny) She decides to sell makeup on people's doorstops, and ends up at the Sheffield's house. And, of course, just to confuse me, the butler is called Niles. There's also Maxwell's business partner, Ceecee Babcock (or C.C., whatever), whose interest in him is, shall we say, less than professional. :) Anyway, Fran turns up, and Niles thinks she's the person the agency sent for their new nanny (cue "Sound of Music" references...), and she ends up being hired, to cut a long story short... 3 years later, the fans get what they want when Maxwell FINALLY confesses his love for her... just as they're about to die in a plane crash...
And so that is how it ended in Britain, with me screaming my head off for about three weeks... and it still hasn't come back, three years later, and I KNOW there's another two series at least. I've seen the pictures! (Which, when I find them, may be up on the site somewhere, assuming I can get the DAMN pictures to actually WORK... *mutter mutter*.) So, as is usual in such circumstances, I not only became officially obsessed with the help of my video collection, but had a dream... which turned into a fanfic... which is what you will see if you clicky on the linky... and the good thing about no-one ever watching this is: no-one can tell where my characterisation goes out of the window!
"The Holly and the Oy-ve"